All praise be to Allah, lord of the universe, and peace and blessings be upon the best of the messengers, our prophet Muhammad and his family, his companions, and those follow them in guidance.
We will mention in this article about the secrets, wisdom, and benefits on which this act of worship is based. And this specifically because many have begun to denounce some of the rulings, and they are object them saying: Why is prescribed? What is the benefit of it? Etc.
This has occurred, but the reality is that many of them do not have any standards to judge right or wrong.
One of them went on to say, ‘It is due to weakness of our mind that we circumambulate a cubed building made of stones.’ And they objected to kissing the Black Stone, and climbing the Safa and Marwa mountain and taking the rounds, and they objected exiting the mosque and going to Mountain ar-Rahmah to ‘Arafah, and they objected throwing the pebbles, and so on. And as if they are attempting to claim that doing all this is of no benefit, and that those who are doing all this have been confused and deviated, and that they have wasted their wealth and time, and other such objections.
1. Hajj and the Ihram2. Hajj and the Talbiyah
3. Hajj and the Tawaf
4. Hajj and the Sa’ee
5. Hajj and the ‘Arafat
6. Hajj and the Muzdalifah
7. Hajj and the Rami al-Jamarah and Sacrifice
8. Hajj and the Mina
1. Hajj and the Ihram:
Ihram is the two piece unsowed white color cloth worn by pilgrims. It represents complete equality in action between all the Muslims, the rulers and those under them, the rich and the poor. And the pilgrims wearing Ihram reminds us of the similar nature of white clothes we will be made to wear after our death, and it resembles the equality that will be among the people on the Day of Resurrection, which reminds us and every smart person that the life of this world is very temporary and not worthy enough that we break the laws of Allah for its sake.
2. Hajj and the Talbiyah:
Talbiyah is to say “Labbayka Allaahumma labbayk (Here I am, O Allaah, here I am)”. It is like a student saying in the class, ‘I am present teacher.’ But this is a response to someone’s call. So why do we say the Talbiyah? Did anyone call us? The reality is that our Talbiyah is an answer to the call of Allah, which Ibraheem (alayhis-salaam) worried may not reach the people far away. But Allah clarified that he will send the message, and as a result, till today there are people answering his call. In it is a great lesson for the supplicators: Ask Allah what you want like Sulayman (alayhis-salaam)’s dua for kingdom which was unimaginable for himself, yet he asked! And a great lesson for the preachers and scholars: Invite them and do you your work the best, but leave guidance to Allah.
3. Hajj and the Tawaf:
Tawaf refers to the circumambulation around the Ka’bah. It is required that one’s heart is full of honor, fear, hope and love. The pilgrim resembles the angels making Tawaf of Bait-ul Ma’mur, which is situated in the seventh, directly above the Ka’bah on Earth. And the objective is not Tawaf of the body, rather the Tawaf of the heart with remembrance of Allah through Dhikr, contemplation, study and research. The continuous rounds point to regularity needed in his remembrance, which continues day and night in accordance to the Sunnah. Reminds us of the statement of the messenger of Allah: ‘Keep your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah.’ [Tirmidhi]
While this is true, the only supplication which is authentically reported from the prophet to be read in Tawaf is: “Rabbana aatina fid-dunya hasanah wa fil aakhirati hasanah wa qina azaaban-nar. (Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is god, and save us from the torment of the fire).” [Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood] The pilgrim is in a boost to worship Allah, yet in this supplication is a reminder that Islam is a religion of balance between this life and the hereafter. And its teachings are unlike Christianity which calls to monasticism, or Hinduism which calls to meditation and celibacy, or Sufism which calls to mysticism in the name of ‘dhikr’.
Also note that Raml (walking quickly) in the first three rounds of Tawaf was to show to Mushrikeen (polytheists) of that time that Muslims who have comes from Madina are not weak. However, we still implement this although there are no non-Muslims in Makkah because it has become an established Sunnah. This teaches us an important principle: that Sunnah remains a Sunnah even after the time or actual reason remains no more a reason. An example of this is beard. We leave our beard to grow to grow through many Jews and Christians as well leave their beard to grow nowadays. But an obligation/Sunnah does not change after the death of the messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), and the sahaba were unified on this. This was the understanding of the most smart and knowledgeable companions, as below:
Narrated Zaid bin Aslam from his father who said:
"`Umar bin Al-Khattab addressed the Corner (Black Stone) saying, 'By Allah! I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (ﷺ) touching (and kissing) you, I would never have touched (and kissed) you.' Then he kissed it and said, 'There is no reason for us to do Ramal (in Tawaf) except that we wanted to show off before the pagans, and now Allah has destroyed them.' `Umar added, '(Nevertheless), the Prophet (ﷺ) did that and we do not want to leave it (i.e. Ramal).' [Saheeh al Bukhari]
4. Hajj and the Sa’ee:
Sa’ee is the going back and forth seven times between Safa and Marwah mountains while showing great honor for Allah in these places. Its call is submissiveness before Allah the Most Powerful and the All-Mighty.
And in it is imitation of Sayyidah Haajar, the mother of Isma’eel (alayhis-salaam), who let her husband go for the sake of Allah in-spite of much need. This was followed by the family of Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anh) who would let him give everything in charity - leaving nothing, and yet remain patient. It is a reminder of a great sacrifice, and this is why even her back and forth movements became blessed movements and a permanent Sunnah until the Day of Judgment.
Allah loved the running of Hajar and her supplication to Allah with all heart and in despair, so he made it a sunnah for us to follow, and to teach and remind us of her way of supplicating Allah.
Notice that men are supposed to run in the part of the valley which used to be steep, but women should not run although the one we are imitating was a woman! This clarifies that Islam brings justice into action, and does not burden the women with heavy responsibilities due to their tender nature, and this is why when Aisha (radiyallahu anha) asked the prophet about women participating in the battles, he said: ‘Their Jihad is Hajj.’ The same goes for the responsibility of earning for a living, it is obligatory on the men to work, but not on the women unless extreme necessities come up.
Allah out of his mercy and justice stipulated that women need not fast nor pray in menstruation period, need not pray in congregation, etc. And it is in the same context that he did not oblige them to work. Other cultures force women directly or indirectly to work, and very often they do not get leave even when they need it. Yet, they point fingers towards Islam!
And in it is the fact that Allah provides provision to the people who remain in his limits from ways they never imagined, just like how Allah provided her Zamzam. Allah says, ‘And whoever honors the sacred ordinances of Allah - it is best for him in the sight of his Lord.’ [Hajj 22:33] And at the same time, it is also a proof that tawakkul is to work hard while relying on Allah.
5. Hajj and the ‘Arafat:
Arafah is a valley in Makkah and is the most important pillar of Hajj, as the prophet said: ‘Hajj is Arafah’ i.e., Hajj becomes valid only when the day of Arafah is observed. This is the land where this religion was perfected and prearranged for the upcoming days until the end. It amazes people how such an ancient religion be applicable today, but what it should make us realize is that Allah has perfect knowledge, and has complete ability to come with a system that continues to be as legit as it was a several thousand years ago. An example of this is the solar system which stands in no need for reformation. And only a crack-nut would suggest a reformation of the solar system! This religion is as well a good example of Allah’s perfection, that it is as legit as it was seven hundred years ago.
Arafah also reminds the pilgrim of the Day of Resurrection and gathering of the nations, as this is the land where we will be gathered!
6. Hajj and the Muzdalifah:
Muzdalifah is an open valley between Mina and Mount Arafah, in which the pilgrims spend a complete night. The Sunnah is to spend the night sleeping as the prophet did, but this makes people wonder its significance. The pilgrim is already sleepy and about to exhaust, so Allah does not seeks difficulty and thus chose this place for rest. Once again, this is a proof of balance in Islam! One sleeps on the ground without any much comfort, which reminds him of death. On the other hand, the earth is amazed, as Ahmad ibn Harb (rahimahullah) said, at he who makes his bed soft and prepares it for seep, saying, ‘O son of Adam! Will you then remember the long sleep you will have in my belly, with no barrier between me and you?’7. Hajj and the Rami al-Jamarah and Sacrifice:
Jamarah are pillars at a valley named Mina at the approximate places where Shaitan appeared to deceive Ibraheem (alayhis-salaam) when he left with his son following the command of Allah. The stoning of the Jamarah represents the act of casting aside one's low desires and wishes. It also teaches us love for the sake of Allah, and also to hate for the sake of Allah. Love blinds one to see the truth, so Allah prohibited loving the Kuffar, and legislated hatred against them while keeping balance in dealing with them. The reminder in sacrifice of cattle is as well similar; reflection on the story of Ibraheem (alayhis-salaam) makes it easy to sacrifice things of this world whenever required for a greater good, for Allah’s sake.8. Hajj and the Mina:
After the sacrifice, the pilgrim shaves his head and moves to the sacred masjid for Umrah. After that, he returns back to Mina and stays for three more days. The pilgrim persists in worshipping and remembering Allah during the days of Hajj, moving from one sacred place to the next, from one action to another. This is a kind of intensive training in worship and remembrance of Allah.
But in-spite of some level of exhaustion, the pilgrim remains calm and gentle out of fear of losing the reward of an accepted Hajj. This higher motive helps him behave in a dignified manner, even if he could achieve that all his life! Mujahid (rahimahullah) said, ‘I accompanied Ibn Umar in a travel to serve him, but he was the one serving me!’
The great scholar and faqeeh (jurist) Ibn Rajab al Hanbali as well noticed this. He stated:
These are general personal reflections that we have combined here. But at the same time, we know people who go overboard and seek for wisdom and reason for every command of Allah until they make up one! The same applies to his prohibitions.
Our shaikh Muhammad al Munajjid tweeted: Many people ask about the stoning of the Jamaraat: what is the wisdom behind it? and why do we throw only seven pebbles specifically? The answer is: We do it following the command of Allah and do not make knowledge of the wisdom behind it to be a condition!
[Page 7, Hajj Publish 1437 / 2016]
There are three purposes behind slaughtering:
ReplyDeleteEnjoying the favor of Allah by eating it.
Seeking rewards by giving some parts in charity.
Expressing love of the slaves of Allah by giving some parts as a gift. (Ibn al Uthaimeen) behind
Islam prohibits animal torture and 'hunting for fun' but it does not calls us to believe that animals are so sacred that they are not to be eaten. Rather, sacrificing them and sharing it with family and friends is considered to be a very good deed and a way of thanking Allah!