
'I see that occupying oneself with jurisprudence (fiqh) or learning ahadith is hardly sufficient to soften the heart, unless one adds to this the reading of heart-melting traditions and the study of the lives of the pious predecessors (al-salaf al-salihin). For they reached the objective of the texts and transcended the external form of the prescribed duties to taste their inner meanings and intent. I do not inform you of this except after personal exposure and experience.'- Ibn al Jawzi in Sayd al-Khatir

From the things which gives regret is that some of our scholars do not give emphasis on stories of the sahaba and their discussion is limited to fiqh/aqeedah issues. But I emphasise on this because this behavior leaves the seat for others to stand and narrate stories of the sahaba and act as seerah doctors. Scholars who narrate stories share the rulings derived from it.
But the ignorant will narrate and deviate you while neither they nor you would realise. For example, they narrate how Umar (radiyallahu anh) got angered and wanted to cut the neck of the opponents on multiple occassions. But they don't narrate that the prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) never permitted that and rather taught him patience! They never teach that Umar never himself took the decision but left the decision in the hands of his ruler!
This is only one example out of many be from the life of Abu Bakr or Umar or other khulafa and sahaba.

Lessons from the prophet's marriage to Khadeejah - Shaikh Ishtiaq Rais Madani

Biography of the author of Adwaa' al Bayaan, Sheikh Muhammad Al Ameen Al Shinqitee:

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