1. Why you need to read this:
2. What Islam can give to Humanity Today:
- Crimes
- Babies are being abandoned
- Homosexuality
- Blunders and destruction
- World without Islam
- Ask the Experts!
- Take it cool
- Purpose of Life
- Gravity and Nature
- Morality
- Limits and boundaries
- Use logical and intellectual proofs
- The four Imams on the existence of Allah
- Reason for temporary downfall of the Muslim world
- Biggest cause of Atheism
- Think before you speak!
- Proof of God ?
- Could this perfection be coincidence?
- Challenge for a miracle?!
- But I did not see God
- Read more!
- Newton and the Atheist
- The Barber and the Client
Bismillahir Rahmaan ar-Raheem
Why you need to read this:
Knowledge is a weapon during the battle against misconceptions: If one takes the Qur'aan and the Sunnah as his weapons, he will never be defeated. However, those without knowledge will go (down) when facing the first misconception. [Sharh An-Nooniyyah by Al-Fawzaan 176/1]
First misconception: An example of this is those men to who if it was asked: 'Do you believe in God?' He would answer: 'Yes.' But if the question was emphasized more: 'Do you really think that a God exists?' This man would now rethink, bobble and begin to have second thoughts.
And wallahi, I seek refuge in Allah from such ignorance every other day. And this is why we collected our previous posts to make it a single article accessible by all. We will keep updating it time to time. The following posts are random, yet beneficial, insha'Allah:
What Islam can give to Humanity Today:
Indeed the West has progressed tremendously, both technologically and scientifically, since it rejected religion. This very progress fostered the illusion in the hearts of men. They forgot that religion itself was not the force that held them back, but their own interpretation which, since the Middle Ages in Europe had obstructed their progress. However, they over looked a more important factor - that the scientific and technological progress achieved by Europe after neglecting it's religion was not the first, nor even the fundamental, ingredient of life. It cannot by itself establish a sound human life.
Only now is the West coming increasingly to realize this, as they recognize that the absence of spiritual values is the main reason behind the anxiety, confusion, madness, suicide, many other psychological and nervous disorders, and the feeling of perplexity and illusion among youth, all of which constitute a threat to security, peace and welfare of humanity, despite all the material progress achieved during the last two centuries.
(Muhammad Qutb, "What Islam can give to Humanity Today" from the book, "The Challenge of Islam")
In Vienna, capital of Austria, a woman was convicted for having killed her former husband and her current boyfriend. She cut up their bodies and buried them under the concrete of the basement of her ice cream shop.They referred to her as 'ice lady". She sold ice cream, and the at the same time she must have a heart that is as cold as a ice stone.
This kind of violent crimes, for which men were known, men used to do these things, but now women. We're loosing our humanity and we need to regain it back by stressing the moral values of our religion, Islam, which stresses humanity and sanctity of life.
Babies are being abandoned:
In many European countries including Sweden and many others they have many little baby drop boxes. The situation is such, just imagine you go somewhere when you want to mail a letter, you put the letter and you're gone.
People wrap their babies in plastic bags when they want to abandon and throw them where they want. So they thought whether how to solve this problem ? So to save these babies, because so much of this is happening, these European countries adopted a method. They have a little drawer attached to the hospital. Anyone can go there, pull the drawer, put the baby in, close the drawer,and disappear. And then a nurse will come in, two minutes later, and then the nurse will take care of the baby. United Nations considers this to be illegal and though it is considered illegal, it still continues to happen.
Why does UN consider this to be illegal ?
Because obviously, though it is a better situation than leaving the baby to die, what this is doing that, on the whole, it is creating an impression on the society that it is okay to abandon your baby. And this is itself a major problem. Sure, yes, it is better than to kill, but isn't it becoming normal to abandon the baby ?
Where is that motherly attachment that is there, that Allah creates between a mother and a child ? The child is there kicking against the mother's tummy, and the mother enjoys that feeling; though it is supposed to be a feeling of pain but the mother feels happy knowing that her baby is there and that her baby is alive and well. That creates a bond between a mother and a baby, that lasts for ever and ever! You may have become elderly and mature, but if you mother is there, she will still see you as her baby. That is the bond that Allah (subhanahu wata ala) has created, but it is being demolished from the world.
This and it's like is all what materialism and secularism has been able to give us.
While babies are being dropped, and new crimes are gaining 'popularity', people are busy speaking about the right to practice homosexuality.
Psychologists and others are still debating whether homosexuality is nature or nurture, but it has already become a crime to speak against homosexuality. However, a profound thinker who actually reflects on the matter would conclude that had homosexuality been natural, then sexually transmitted diseases (STD'S) like those which can be cured gonorrhea, chlamydia syphilis, and those which cannot be cured like Herpes and HIV would not be a result of mere sex (penetration) among homosexuals. Doctors and scientists, be it from the West or Europe agree that one can get the same or a new STD every time one has unprotected sex (not using a condom). This is certainly not the case with heterosexuals who live happy lives with their spouse (those into marriage/ long-term relationships) are not in need of condoms or anything such.
There is much more to say on homosexuality, but the matter hopefully is already clear, diseases don't come by eating apples.
I do not like to make my posts long, but information needs to shared. Now your responsibility is to make others aware of this as well.
Blunders and destruction:
Friedrich Nietzsche's Influence on Hitler's Mein Kampf
by Michael Kalish
God is dead' was the phrase popularized by Nietzsche. Astonishing, how he had a direct influence on the one who killed millions (Hitler).
[Click here to Read more on this issue]
Australian woman 'hugely proud' to donate her eggs to her gay brother'
This is what happens when secularism takes over . No religious restrictions, no moral value. everyone is free to decide, choose and cherry pick whatever they like as holy and dislike as unholy., Similar to countries granting homosexual anal lovers the right to do as they please but at the same time banning polygamy for bias reasons.
[Click here to Read complete news]
World without Islam:
Man without faith is like a feather blown by the wind; it does not settle in one place nor does it become still. Similar is the person in whose heart, faith is without roots; he will be of no value. He will be worried, unhappy, perplexed (confused), as he does not knows the reality of his self nor the reason behind his existence. He does not know who gave him life or why he was given life and why it is taken from him again.
He looks around and realizes that everything has an ultimate significance, even the needles and bottles around. A bottle may be used for purposes like decoration, funnel etc but it's purposed ultimately for drinking. A man may give his life some purpose by getting a job and pass the time, but he ought to have something ultimate. If a bottle is not a waste, then he is certainly not.
As well, a society without faith is like a jungle even if the civilization therein shines; it is a distressed society because life is for the strongest, not for the best or the most pious. Survival for fittest works here.
Faith turns the darkness into a bright light and the dead into a living conscience. It turns weak people into rulers and slaves into masters who rule nations. So, you would find slaves like Bilal commanding and calling others for Salah, sons of slaves becoming the rulers of huge Muslim empires. Faith indeed liberates man from the chains of a secular world.
Questioning faith and no faith:
To have faith is a natural inclination in man. As a rule, people possess a certain faith without having chosen it for themselves. They adopt a particular faith that is pased on to them from their forefathers. Even if they do not practice it, they may adhere to it by blind imitation, and accept it out of respect and identification with their elders. Certain universal truth and values expressed in that faith serve as a base for them to cling to, whatever they may actually believe in their private moments. Factors such as social identity and bonding motivate them to continue maintaining that Faith.
As such, it may not matter to them whether certain beliefs or practices in their faith make any balanced sense or not. No wonder we find people holding to a faith that is guided by myths, miracles, superstitions or even by theological tenets based on conjectures, misconceptions and misapprehensions.
Often it is precisely this attitude within a person which makes him hold onto whatever faith he professes. He may come to believe the rightness, or even superiority, of the faith professed by his own social group. Thus it is that a variety of faiths prevails over mankind, and it is a paradox that people of every faith claim to profess the correct one. As regards those who are not convinced of their own faith and feel uncomfortable with it, they may disregard other faiths too, presuming that every faith is beset with the same problem.
Having noticed the diversity in people's attitude towards faith, one may suggest a more basic question: Does one need to have a faith at all ?
Beautiful question. Actually this is just the explanation of the behavior that Allah azzawajal repeatedly criticizes in the Qur'an:
“Nay! They say: ‘We found our fathers following a certain way and religion, and we guide ourselves by their footsteps’” (Surah Zukhruf 43:23)
Narrated Asma' that the prophet (ﷺ) said about the questions in the grave:
You will be asked, 'What do you know about this man (the Prophet (ﷺ) Muhammad)?' Then the faithful believer (or Asma' said a similar word) will reply, 'He is Muhammad Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) who had come to us with clear evidences and guidance and so we accepted his teachings and followed him. And he is Muhammad.' And he will repeat it thrice. Then the angels will say to him, 'Sleep in peace as we have come to know that you were a faithful believer.' On the other hand, a hypocrite or a doubtful person will reply, 'I do not know, but I heard the people saying something and so I said it.' (the same)." [Saheeh al Bukhari]
This doubtful person is the one who follows the religion of his father blindly without any search, or conviction. A man must study what he believes in. He should try to understand what he believes, and should ask himself whether why he believes in what he believes.
And obviously, this study will make one come up with questions. These questions should be asked to the experts of that particular field or faith.
Ask the Experts!
But unfortunately, few people do not even attempt to take the last step ie., question the experts.
Some of them do not ask the experts, wrongly assuming themselves to be capable enough to answer all questions. This wrong assumption makes one think that the failure to answer the questions means that the answer does not exists.
Others question a few experts and end their research too speedily, which again leads to accidents.
Take it cool:
Faith in God is not something which has to be accepted blindly, but rather something that appeals to our reason and offers a satisfying explanation to the mind-boggling questions related to ultimate reality. Questions like what is the purpose and ultimate significance of our existence; what will happen to us after death etc.
Recognizing the existence of God is, in fact, instinctive, uncomplicated and natural. It is in the innate nature of man to acknowledge a supreme power who is controlling the affairs of the universe. This has never been an invention or achievement of the human mind. This innate and potential belief, however, can remain dormant; it needs activation and actualization if it is to become focused and functional in a personally and socially beneficial way.
Most people in the world, whatever faith they belong to, do believe in the existence of a Supreme Almighty Being. Throughout the history of mankind, a doubt concerning the existence of God has only rarely been a serious issue for discussion. Doubts are generally directed towards one's personal understanding of the Supreme Being.
Purpose of Life:
Observing our very existence must make us think whether what is the ultimate significance of our existence.
Broadly answering, there two points of view. One point of view might be that we humans are intelligent beings and can work out an appropriate manner of life for ourselves. Another view might be that there are some basic guidelines provided for us, which we would be wise to discover and follow.
The first view has its own logic. Based on our own accumulated wisdom and experience, we should be able to choose a way of life that we judge to be the most convenient and beneficial to us; we do not need any other source to guide us. The second view also has its own presuppositions and arguments, and deserves to examined for its validity; it cannot be rejected outright.
The first point of view implies that we should direct all our effort towards material progress and comfort so as to bring happiness to life. At the same time, we keep experimenting with different norms and values.
But this is exactly where lies the human tragedy! Man has advanced in education, science and technology. But at the same time, there is much chaos, rising crime and corruption, a higher percentage of psychiatric patients and suicides, more cases of alcohol and drug addiction, rampant family integration, juvenile delinquency, more and more people finding it okay to deal in sex trade, etc.
Many like Stalin, the Atheist, experimented his own view and tortured and killed several people, while processing his experiments. So, is each individual on his own in this search, or is there a kind of "help line" ?
The second point of view, which urges man towards faith in a Merciful, Almighty, All-Wise Law-Giver, claims that the present plight does indeed result fundamentally from loss of direction, loss of purpose and loss of meaning in life, a failure to rise above the mundane, or a failure to adopt a wholesome, reliable system of values. One may even have rejected outright what he knows to be good, in preference to something more exciting or promising. In other words, it is the result of losing or failing to follow the right path.
The above discussion leads us to the following questions, which seek definitive answers:
Quotes of prominent scientists and thinkers on Atheism:
Faith in God is not something which has to be accepted blindly, but rather something that appeals to our reason and offers a satisfying explanation to the mind-boggling questions related to ultimate reality. Questions like what is the purpose and ultimate significance of our existence; what will happen to us after death etc.
Recognizing the existence of God is, in fact, instinctive, uncomplicated and natural. It is in the innate nature of man to acknowledge a supreme power who is controlling the affairs of the universe. This has never been an invention or achievement of the human mind. This innate and potential belief, however, can remain dormant; it needs activation and actualization if it is to become focused and functional in a personally and socially beneficial way.
Most people in the world, whatever faith they belong to, do believe in the existence of a Supreme Almighty Being. Throughout the history of mankind, a doubt concerning the existence of God has only rarely been a serious issue for discussion. Doubts are generally directed towards one's personal understanding of the Supreme Being.
Purpose of Life:
Observing our very existence must make us think whether what is the ultimate significance of our existence.
Broadly answering, there two points of view. One point of view might be that we humans are intelligent beings and can work out an appropriate manner of life for ourselves. Another view might be that there are some basic guidelines provided for us, which we would be wise to discover and follow.
The first view has its own logic. Based on our own accumulated wisdom and experience, we should be able to choose a way of life that we judge to be the most convenient and beneficial to us; we do not need any other source to guide us. The second view also has its own presuppositions and arguments, and deserves to examined for its validity; it cannot be rejected outright.
The first point of view implies that we should direct all our effort towards material progress and comfort so as to bring happiness to life. At the same time, we keep experimenting with different norms and values.
But this is exactly where lies the human tragedy! Man has advanced in education, science and technology. But at the same time, there is much chaos, rising crime and corruption, a higher percentage of psychiatric patients and suicides, more cases of alcohol and drug addiction, rampant family integration, juvenile delinquency, more and more people finding it okay to deal in sex trade, etc.
Many like Stalin, the Atheist, experimented his own view and tortured and killed several people, while processing his experiments. So, is each individual on his own in this search, or is there a kind of "help line" ?
The second point of view, which urges man towards faith in a Merciful, Almighty, All-Wise Law-Giver, claims that the present plight does indeed result fundamentally from loss of direction, loss of purpose and loss of meaning in life, a failure to rise above the mundane, or a failure to adopt a wholesome, reliable system of values. One may even have rejected outright what he knows to be good, in preference to something more exciting or promising. In other words, it is the result of losing or failing to follow the right path.
The above discussion leads us to the following questions, which seek definitive answers:
- What is 'good' and what is 'evil' for man ?
- What is the basis or standard by which to define and judge the 'good' and the 'evil' ?
- What are the ultimate values to which human values should conform ?
- Who is to prescribe these values? Who is the genuine and prime authority to decide and choose from many different views ?
Quotes of prominent scientists and thinkers on Atheism:
Bertand Russel said, "What science cannot tell us, mankind cannot know." His logic failed him badly when he made that statement. Is that a statement of science ? No! So we cannot know it. Far more sensible was the Nobel Prize winner Sir Peter Medawar:
So we need to go outside of science. That science does not defines the limit of rationality.
Rationality is bigger than science. Einstein of-course saw it clearly. John C. Lennox notes in Gunning for God:
“Albert Einstein, in a discussion on science and religion in Berlin in 1930, said that our sense of beauty and our religious instinct are:
According to Einstein, therefore, science cannot form a base for morality: ‘Every attempt to reduce ethics to scientific formula must fail.’
Richard Feynman, also a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, shared Einstein’s view: ‘Even the greatest forces and abilities don’t seem to carry any clear instructions on how to use them. As an example, the great accumulation of understanding as to how the physical world behaves only convinces one that this behavior has a kind of meaninglessness about it. The sciences do not directly teach good or bad.’ Elsewhere he states:
The Neo - Darwinist, Haldane pointed out long ago,
It is simply irrational to believe solely in nature. And this is just one of the catastrophic implications of Atheistic view for science.
Gravity and Nature:
Stephen Hawking says we got to choose between God and gravity. Well, you know what a "Ford Galaxy" Motor Car is. If I brought one of those here and said, "Look I want to offer you two explanations for it. The one is the 'Law of Internal Combustion and Mechanical Engineering' - A law of Mechanism Explanation. The other is Henry Ford, please choose!" You'd say, "This is Absurd. You need both." Do you ?
Now this is extremely important. To realize that explanation comes in different kinds. If you want a complete explanation of Ford Galaxy, you have to have a mechanism explanation - the scientific one - and you have to have an agent explanation in terms of Henry Ford. Please notice that they don't contradict each other. And the idea spread variantly by one of the Dawkins means, the ideas going around that you must have either or. That's nonsense. The existence - and I'm wording this very carefully -
I'm a passionate scientist, but I don't see any competition going on here, at all. Because the God is not God of the gaps here. He is God of the while show! The more I study, the more I'm impressed by the genius of God. - John Lennox (Oxford University)
"It cannot answer the questions of even a child. Where am I a coming from ? Where am I going to ?"
So we need to go outside of science. That science does not defines the limit of rationality.
Rationality is bigger than science. Einstein of-course saw it clearly. John C. Lennox notes in Gunning for God:
“Albert Einstein, in a discussion on science and religion in Berlin in 1930, said that our sense of beauty and our religious instinct are:
‘tributary forms in helping the reasoning faculty towards its highest achievements. You are right in speaking of the moral foundations of science, but you cannot turn round and speak of the scientific foundations of morality.’
According to Einstein, therefore, science cannot form a base for morality: ‘Every attempt to reduce ethics to scientific formula must fail.’
Richard Feynman, also a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, shared Einstein’s view: ‘Even the greatest forces and abilities don’t seem to carry any clear instructions on how to use them. As an example, the great accumulation of understanding as to how the physical world behaves only convinces one that this behavior has a kind of meaninglessness about it. The sciences do not directly teach good or bad.’ Elsewhere he states:
‘Ethical values lie outside the scientific realm.’ [End quote John Lennox]
The Neo - Darwinist, Haldane pointed out long ago,
"It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms."
["When I am Dead" in Possible Worlds (1927)]
It is simply irrational to believe solely in nature. And this is just one of the catastrophic implications of Atheistic view for science.
Gravity and Nature:
Stephen Hawking says we got to choose between God and gravity. Well, you know what a "Ford Galaxy" Motor Car is. If I brought one of those here and said, "Look I want to offer you two explanations for it. The one is the 'Law of Internal Combustion and Mechanical Engineering' - A law of Mechanism Explanation. The other is Henry Ford, please choose!" You'd say, "This is Absurd. You need both." Do you ?
Now this is extremely important. To realize that explanation comes in different kinds. If you want a complete explanation of Ford Galaxy, you have to have a mechanism explanation - the scientific one - and you have to have an agent explanation in terms of Henry Ford. Please notice that they don't contradict each other. And the idea spread variantly by one of the Dawkins means, the ideas going around that you must have either or. That's nonsense. The existence - and I'm wording this very carefully -
the existence of a mechanism that does something, is not itself, an argument for non existence of an agent who designed it.
I'm a passionate scientist, but I don't see any competition going on here, at all. Because the God is not God of the gaps here. He is God of the while show! The more I study, the more I'm impressed by the genius of God. - John Lennox (Oxford University)
Morality without theism ? Let me share what some prominent Atheist intellectuals said with full honesty:
Richard Rodey: "If moral imperativism is not commanded by God's will, and of the absolute then what ought to be is a matter simply what anyone of us decides should be."
While a naturalist may choose to be a moral person, no compelling rational reason exists why one should not be amoral. Reason simply does not dictate here. Pragmatism may, but reason alone doesn’t allow one to defend one way over another.
Prominent and prolific Canadian atheist Kai Nielson said it well:
However, brother Bassam Zawadi made an important: Muslims should generally, in principle, not entertain moral objections from atheists against Islam. Muslims must demand that atheists identify and justify what objective moral standard they are appealing to in order to lodge their arguments against Islam in the first place. Seeing that they would definitely fail, since their naturalist worldview is not capable of providing them with such an objective moral standard, you would have spared yourself the headache of debating endlessly about secondary issues and instead struck at the heart of the matter.
In fact, this applies to all discussions. This is why our scholars say that one shouldn’t waste time debating the furu’ (branches of subjects or secondary matters) without having settled the differences at the level of usul (core and foundational issues) from the get-go.
Limits and boundaries:
Our eyes have limits, you can't view behind an opaque object. And so is your brain and mind. It has limits!
Not everything that a Scientist utters is Science, nor everything that a Philosopher says is Logic. They also very easily assume every belief of a religious individual to be bias. This is a 'pure mixture' of ignorance and arrogance.
Morality without theism ? Let me share what some prominent Atheist intellectuals said with full honesty:
Richard Rodey: "If moral imperativism is not commanded by God's will, and of the absolute then what ought to be is a matter simply what anyone of us decides should be."
While a naturalist may choose to be a moral person, no compelling rational reason exists why one should not be amoral. Reason simply does not dictate here. Pragmatism may, but reason alone doesn’t allow one to defend one way over another.
Prominent and prolific Canadian atheist Kai Nielson said it well:
"We have not been able to show that reason requires the moral point of view, or that really rational persons unhoodwinked by myth or ideology need not be individual egoists or classical amoralists. Reason doesn’t decide here. The picture I have painted for you is not a pleasant one. Reflection on it depresses me. . . . Pure practical reason, even with a good knowledge of the facts, will not take you to morality." [Why Should I Be Moral?”]
However, brother Bassam Zawadi made an important: Muslims should generally, in principle, not entertain moral objections from atheists against Islam. Muslims must demand that atheists identify and justify what objective moral standard they are appealing to in order to lodge their arguments against Islam in the first place. Seeing that they would definitely fail, since their naturalist worldview is not capable of providing them with such an objective moral standard, you would have spared yourself the headache of debating endlessly about secondary issues and instead struck at the heart of the matter.
In fact, this applies to all discussions. This is why our scholars say that one shouldn’t waste time debating the furu’ (branches of subjects or secondary matters) without having settled the differences at the level of usul (core and foundational issues) from the get-go.
Limits and boundaries:
Our eyes have limits, you can't view behind an opaque object. And so is your brain and mind. It has limits!
Not everything that a Scientist utters is Science, nor everything that a Philosopher says is Logic. They also very easily assume every belief of a religious individual to be bias. This is a 'pure mixture' of ignorance and arrogance.
But many Atheists fail to understand this. Sir Peter Medewar, the Nobel prize winner shared his thoughts on this in his "Advice to a young Scientist." He said,
He goes on to say that Science cannot even answer some basic questions:
Later on Medawar went on to write his marvelous book "The Limits of Science." Note that Medawar is not normal guy but from among the Scientists known for his work, even Richard Dawkins praised him for it.
Leaving you with a quote from another passionate scientist, head of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins:
Tips to outsmart the Atheists:
“There is no quicker way for a scientist to bring discredit upon himself and on his profession than roundly to declare — particularly when no declaration of any kind is called for — that science knows or soon will know the answers to all questions worth asking, and that the questions that do not admit a scientific answer are in some way non-questions or pseudo-questions that only simpletons ask and only the gullible profess to be able to answer.”
He goes on to say that Science cannot even answer some basic questions:
“The existence of a limit to science is, however, made clear by its inability to answer childlike elementary questions having to do with first and last things-questions such as: ‘How did everyting begin?’ ‘What are we all here for?’ ‘What is the point of living?'”— (Medawar, Advice to a Young Scientist)
Later on Medawar went on to write his marvelous book "The Limits of Science." Note that Medawar is not normal guy but from among the Scientists known for his work, even Richard Dawkins praised him for it.
Leaving you with a quote from another passionate scientist, head of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins:
“Science is powerless to answer questions such as ‘Why did the universe come into being?’ ‘What is the meaning of human existence?’ ‘What happens after we die?’— (Collins, The Language of God, New York)
Tips to outsmart the Atheists:
Muslims should generally, in principle, not entertain moral objections from atheists against Islam. Muslims must demand that atheists identify and justify what objective moral standard they are appealing to in order to lodge their arguments against Islam in the first place. Seeing that they would definitely fail, since their naturalist worldview is not capable of providing them with such an objective moral standard, you would have spared yourself the headache of debating endlessly about secondary issues and instead struck at the heart of the matter.
In fact, this applies to all discussions. This is why our scholars say that one shouldn’t waste time debating the furu’ (branches of subjects or secondary matters) without having settled the differences at the level of usul (core and foundational issues) from the get-go.
via Bassam Zawadi
Use logical and intellectual proofs:
Usage of intellectual arguments in Da'wah is encouraged in Islam. This is the reason why we find ayaat like "افلا تعقلون" (don't you have sense ?) repeated again and again.
In Surat-ul Mulk (chapter 97), Allah also mentioned that when the people destined for Hell will be flung into it, they will gear its most horrible sound bursting with rage, and its fire will be rotating the bodies of the residents of the Hell like boiling water in a big vessel.
And when the rejectors of truth will enter Jahannam, the keepers of Hell will ask as a way of rebuke: "Did no warner come to you that you are cast, this day, in Hell ?" So they will reply: "Yes Indeed the warners had come to us, but we had denied the messengers of Allah, and said, "Allah never sent down anything for the guidance of mankind, and you are only in a great error." And then they would say:
وقالوا لو كنا نسمع او نعقل ما كنا في اصحاب السعير
(And they will say: "Had we listened or used our intelligence, we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing fire.") (Mulk 67:10)
Imam Qurtubi (rahimahullah) explains the epistemology of aql:
He said that it is related to "iqaal al ba'eer" - the rope that ties the Camel. And the word aql is related to that because just as that rope keeps the camel from going astray and get lost, the human intellect (aql) keeps the human from going astray and getting lost. So, it is very important to use it.
Three points of benefit:
1. Allah encourages the use of aql.
2. The kuffar will regret NOT using their aql. Though they claim sometimes to use aql, but their bias and ignorance fails them understand.
3. We must use aql in our Da'wah. Plus, we need not insult anybody; remain calm and cool and explain everyone.
The four Imams on the existence of Allah:
Imam Abu Hanifa's argument is well known: You won't believe that somthing as simple as a boat came into existence on its own. So how about the whole universe?
As for Imam Malik, he argued that Allah's role in creation becomes clear seeing the differences in voices, languages and skin colors that we find. How can we be different when we are from the same source, let's say star dust.
Imam ash-Shafi'ee as well had excellent arguments on this. For instance, he argued whether without Allah's role, how is it possible for creatures like Honeybees to eat nectar and pollen but produce honey, and for a Cow to eat gras and produce milk, etc. Its not just about the process but about the design.
Imam Ahmad argued whether how it is possible for a bird to be born from an egg, and creation of other animals in the womb. Indeed, it is Allah who gives life to creatures from non living matter.. It is not about Abiogenesis but whether who is behind it.
But few people would reply to all these arguments by using equations like: if x and y meet, then z must result in.. And all their explanations and reasons boil down to the four known fundamental forces of nature:
1) Gravitational force
2) Electrostatic Magnetic force
3) Weak Nuclear force
4) Strong Nuclear force
- Sheikh Muhammah Al Munajjid (Series: Al Adillah ar-Ruboobiyyah - Proofs of Allah's Lordship)
Reason for temporary downfall of the Muslim world:
A benefit from the story of Musa and Khidr in Surah Kahf:
Few people turn Atheists looking at the disasters and all the problems and misery in the world. Muslim countries are in a state of war and destruction. There are disasters occurring in other lands. We may ask why is this happening; or why is Allah doing this?
Your ignorance makes you think this about Allah. Look at the story of Musa and Khidr. Musa objected again and again because he did not have complete knowledge. He objected for making a hole in the ship. Isn't it? And he objected killing of that boy. Because to him it was all evil, that made him object. But he did not know that if he did not scuttle the ship, the tyrant king would take the source of the income for those poor people. So what is better? He did not say "I wanted to drown them", but he said: "I wanted to cause defect." This tyrant king, he would not sieze ships if he found any defect in them. So, when we'll acknowledge our ignorance, we won't ask such questions. The same goes with that boy. Khidr killed him, and Musa objected shockingly.
But what is better: Killing him while still young, or leaving him alive to grow up and oppress him believing parents to commit kufr?
This exactly is being said looking at the problems in Syria, and other lands. But if the knowledge of the wisdom was informed to us, we wouldn't complain to Allah, rather we'd say: "Alhamdulillah that this is happening!"
But man is quick-tempered and ignorant, so he begins to object.." hey, hey.. Allah is doing this to us.. why.. ?"
Okay, some would say whether why Allah does not shares the reasons with us. Well you want Allah to share with you all the knowledge from the lawh al mahfooz (the preserved tablet)?
So, this is the reality. And if man realised that Allah is Al Hakeem (the Most Wise), he would accept everything whole heartedly. And this is why we should spend time understanding names and attributes of Allah.
- Shaikh Muhammad Al Munajjid (Muhawarah fi adillatir- Ruboobiyyah)
Biggest cause of Atheism:
Fir'wan was from the worst of men. When we look deep, the reason why he reached that level was arrogance. *I searched through the Qur'an and could not find anyone who denied Allah's existence except Fir'awn.* This is why he asked sarcastically his minister to build a tower so high that would let him reach the sky in search of Allah [Qasas 28:38]. This is although he acknowledged Allah's existence, but his arrogance did not let him accept that [Naml 27:14].
The case is same for many of the leaders of modern day Atheists (Dawkins, Hariss, etc.). In-fact, the biggest reason for denying Allah is not to fulfill the desires but arrogance. Therefore, while dealing with such people we need to:
1⃣ Learn to be *extremely very lenient* in showing them proofs. This is well known to us from the story of Musa. Don't force them to accept at your very first victory, but show them more and more proofs, and give them time. [Taha 20:44]
2⃣ Learn techniques of *removing arrogance* like reminder of how he was born (from a sperm), how he will die, etc. As Musa reminded him: "From the earth We created you, and into it We will return you, and from it We will extract you another time." [Taha 20:55]
3⃣ *Study before you meet them.* Allah taught Musa how miracles work before he send him to Fir'awn [Taha 20:17-24]. So you as well need learn, unless you begin to follow them instead of guiding them! An important reminder is that they are not philosophers, and their terms vary. They use terms like 'nothing', but 'nothing' does not mean the nothing as is generally understood by us. You may successfully make fun of them by asking them: How we came from nothing? People around may laugh, but you will become a bigger fool in their eyes.
4⃣ Once you're prepared well and have done your study under experts, *don't worry or be frightened.* As Allah said: "Fear not. Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see." [Taha 20:46]
5⃣ If they come with something you do not know, then *accepting that you do not know is better.* As Musa said, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a record. My Lord neither errs nor forgets." [Taha 20:52]
6⃣ *Don't generalize* all Atheists under one umbrella. They all have different reasons and stories how they became Atheists. Hear from them first, and then respond in accordance to what is required. This is why when they said, "O Moses, either you throw or we will be the first to throw", He said, "Rather, you throw." [Taha 20: 65-66]
7. Allah knew that Fir'wan would not accept the message, yet he told Musa to take it cool. A da'ee should never be judgmental, or else it becomes a great cause of demotivation. Remember that Fir'awn was a well known arrogant gansta yet Allah gave him some hope saying: "And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or *fear* [ Allah ]." [Taha 20:44]
8. These Atheists are not aware of the reality and need your help! Not always that the student should approach the teacher. At-times of need, the teacher should go to the student. Allah commanded Musa and Haroon (alayhimus-salaam): 'Go, both of you, to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed.' [Taha 20:43] Will you sacrifice some from your precious time for Da'wah?
*[For more read the grand book of Shaikh Fadl Ilaahi Zaheer:
من صفات الداعية اللين والرفق، للدكتور فضل ]إلهي]*
Actions speak louder than words:
The first interaction between Chinese and Muslims seems to be when the Umayyad Caliph, Hisham sent his ambassador to China (108H/726).
And under the Abbasids, Al Mansur sent a body of Muslim troops at the request of the Emperor's son, Su Tsung, in 139H/756 to help hm recover from a usurper, and the Muslim force decided to stay in China rather than return home. These Muslims who went to fight for the emperor in China and were granted the right to stay there, proved the greatest ambassadors of Islam. Le Bon says:
'They were animated in general of a spirit of righteousness and honesty. Those who hold public functions are liked and respected by the populations, and those who deal in trade have an excellent reputation. They are charitable due to religious principles, and seem to form one and large family all of whose members protect and support each other. What proves above any other thing is their superiority is that despite their original task, thanks to subtle concessions they managed to make to the requirements of their country of adoption, also thanks to the brotherly faternity that linked them all, they managed to grow and expand, whilst all other foreign religions which tried to implant in China have only passed by or vegetated.' (Abridged: Al - Djazairi: A Short History of Islam, p. 303)
We read and listen to the life of the messengers and the salaf, and get amazed by it. But know, O dear brother/ sister, may Allah have mercy on you, they achieved that only because they did not come up with excuses that we bring. You have assignments and presentations to do, but did the sahaba did not have work, wife and children ?
If our excuses are never ending, then their excuses could also be never ending. But when a person wants something, he finds the time for it. As it is said, "where there is a will, there is a way!" May Allah give us a chance to benefit this deen of Allah. May we benefit our people, families and friends.
Usage of intellectual arguments in Da'wah is encouraged in Islam. This is the reason why we find ayaat like "افلا تعقلون" (don't you have sense ?) repeated again and again.
In Surat-ul Mulk (chapter 97), Allah also mentioned that when the people destined for Hell will be flung into it, they will gear its most horrible sound bursting with rage, and its fire will be rotating the bodies of the residents of the Hell like boiling water in a big vessel.
And when the rejectors of truth will enter Jahannam, the keepers of Hell will ask as a way of rebuke: "Did no warner come to you that you are cast, this day, in Hell ?" So they will reply: "Yes Indeed the warners had come to us, but we had denied the messengers of Allah, and said, "Allah never sent down anything for the guidance of mankind, and you are only in a great error." And then they would say:
وقالوا لو كنا نسمع او نعقل ما كنا في اصحاب السعير
(And they will say: "Had we listened or used our intelligence, we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing fire.") (Mulk 67:10)
Imam Qurtubi (rahimahullah) explains the epistemology of aql:
He said that it is related to "iqaal al ba'eer" - the rope that ties the Camel. And the word aql is related to that because just as that rope keeps the camel from going astray and get lost, the human intellect (aql) keeps the human from going astray and getting lost. So, it is very important to use it.
Three points of benefit:
1. Allah encourages the use of aql.
2. The kuffar will regret NOT using their aql. Though they claim sometimes to use aql, but their bias and ignorance fails them understand.
3. We must use aql in our Da'wah. Plus, we need not insult anybody; remain calm and cool and explain everyone.
The four Imams on the existence of Allah:
Imam Abu Hanifa's argument is well known: You won't believe that somthing as simple as a boat came into existence on its own. So how about the whole universe?
As for Imam Malik, he argued that Allah's role in creation becomes clear seeing the differences in voices, languages and skin colors that we find. How can we be different when we are from the same source, let's say star dust.
Imam ash-Shafi'ee as well had excellent arguments on this. For instance, he argued whether without Allah's role, how is it possible for creatures like Honeybees to eat nectar and pollen but produce honey, and for a Cow to eat gras and produce milk, etc. Its not just about the process but about the design.
Imam Ahmad argued whether how it is possible for a bird to be born from an egg, and creation of other animals in the womb. Indeed, it is Allah who gives life to creatures from non living matter.. It is not about Abiogenesis but whether who is behind it.
But few people would reply to all these arguments by using equations like: if x and y meet, then z must result in.. And all their explanations and reasons boil down to the four known fundamental forces of nature:
1) Gravitational force
2) Electrostatic Magnetic force
3) Weak Nuclear force
4) Strong Nuclear force
But the fact of the matter is that we get back to the same point: Who is behind these laws? Who made these laws? And who fixed these laws as they are today? Or do these laws exist without any lawmaker?
- Sheikh Muhammah Al Munajjid (Series: Al Adillah ar-Ruboobiyyah - Proofs of Allah's Lordship)
Reason for temporary downfall of the Muslim world:
A benefit from the story of Musa and Khidr in Surah Kahf:
Few people turn Atheists looking at the disasters and all the problems and misery in the world. Muslim countries are in a state of war and destruction. There are disasters occurring in other lands. We may ask why is this happening; or why is Allah doing this?
Your ignorance makes you think this about Allah. Look at the story of Musa and Khidr. Musa objected again and again because he did not have complete knowledge. He objected for making a hole in the ship. Isn't it? And he objected killing of that boy. Because to him it was all evil, that made him object. But he did not know that if he did not scuttle the ship, the tyrant king would take the source of the income for those poor people. So what is better? He did not say "I wanted to drown them", but he said: "I wanted to cause defect." This tyrant king, he would not sieze ships if he found any defect in them. So, when we'll acknowledge our ignorance, we won't ask such questions. The same goes with that boy. Khidr killed him, and Musa objected shockingly.
But what is better: Killing him while still young, or leaving him alive to grow up and oppress him believing parents to commit kufr?
This exactly is being said looking at the problems in Syria, and other lands. But if the knowledge of the wisdom was informed to us, we wouldn't complain to Allah, rather we'd say: "Alhamdulillah that this is happening!"
But man is quick-tempered and ignorant, so he begins to object.." hey, hey.. Allah is doing this to us.. why.. ?"
Okay, some would say whether why Allah does not shares the reasons with us. Well you want Allah to share with you all the knowledge from the lawh al mahfooz (the preserved tablet)?
So, this is the reality. And if man realised that Allah is Al Hakeem (the Most Wise), he would accept everything whole heartedly. And this is why we should spend time understanding names and attributes of Allah.
- Shaikh Muhammad Al Munajjid (Muhawarah fi adillatir- Ruboobiyyah)
Biggest cause of Atheism:
Fir'wan was from the worst of men. When we look deep, the reason why he reached that level was arrogance. *I searched through the Qur'an and could not find anyone who denied Allah's existence except Fir'awn.* This is why he asked sarcastically his minister to build a tower so high that would let him reach the sky in search of Allah [Qasas 28:38]. This is although he acknowledged Allah's existence, but his arrogance did not let him accept that [Naml 27:14].
The case is same for many of the leaders of modern day Atheists (Dawkins, Hariss, etc.). In-fact, the biggest reason for denying Allah is not to fulfill the desires but arrogance. Therefore, while dealing with such people we need to:
1⃣ Learn to be *extremely very lenient* in showing them proofs. This is well known to us from the story of Musa. Don't force them to accept at your very first victory, but show them more and more proofs, and give them time. [Taha 20:44]
2⃣ Learn techniques of *removing arrogance* like reminder of how he was born (from a sperm), how he will die, etc. As Musa reminded him: "From the earth We created you, and into it We will return you, and from it We will extract you another time." [Taha 20:55]
3⃣ *Study before you meet them.* Allah taught Musa how miracles work before he send him to Fir'awn [Taha 20:17-24]. So you as well need learn, unless you begin to follow them instead of guiding them! An important reminder is that they are not philosophers, and their terms vary. They use terms like 'nothing', but 'nothing' does not mean the nothing as is generally understood by us. You may successfully make fun of them by asking them: How we came from nothing? People around may laugh, but you will become a bigger fool in their eyes.
4⃣ Once you're prepared well and have done your study under experts, *don't worry or be frightened.* As Allah said: "Fear not. Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see." [Taha 20:46]
5⃣ If they come with something you do not know, then *accepting that you do not know is better.* As Musa said, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a record. My Lord neither errs nor forgets." [Taha 20:52]
6⃣ *Don't generalize* all Atheists under one umbrella. They all have different reasons and stories how they became Atheists. Hear from them first, and then respond in accordance to what is required. This is why when they said, "O Moses, either you throw or we will be the first to throw", He said, "Rather, you throw." [Taha 20: 65-66]
7. Allah knew that Fir'wan would not accept the message, yet he told Musa to take it cool. A da'ee should never be judgmental, or else it becomes a great cause of demotivation. Remember that Fir'awn was a well known arrogant gansta yet Allah gave him some hope saying: "And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or *fear* [ Allah ]." [Taha 20:44]
8. These Atheists are not aware of the reality and need your help! Not always that the student should approach the teacher. At-times of need, the teacher should go to the student. Allah commanded Musa and Haroon (alayhimus-salaam): 'Go, both of you, to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed.' [Taha 20:43] Will you sacrifice some from your precious time for Da'wah?
*[For more read the grand book of Shaikh Fadl Ilaahi Zaheer:
من صفات الداعية اللين والرفق، للدكتور فضل ]إلهي]*
Actions speak louder than words:
The first interaction between Chinese and Muslims seems to be when the Umayyad Caliph, Hisham sent his ambassador to China (108H/726).
And under the Abbasids, Al Mansur sent a body of Muslim troops at the request of the Emperor's son, Su Tsung, in 139H/756 to help hm recover from a usurper, and the Muslim force decided to stay in China rather than return home. These Muslims who went to fight for the emperor in China and were granted the right to stay there, proved the greatest ambassadors of Islam. Le Bon says:
'They were animated in general of a spirit of righteousness and honesty. Those who hold public functions are liked and respected by the populations, and those who deal in trade have an excellent reputation. They are charitable due to religious principles, and seem to form one and large family all of whose members protect and support each other. What proves above any other thing is their superiority is that despite their original task, thanks to subtle concessions they managed to make to the requirements of their country of adoption, also thanks to the brotherly faternity that linked them all, they managed to grow and expand, whilst all other foreign religions which tried to implant in China have only passed by or vegetated.' (Abridged: Al - Djazairi: A Short History of Islam, p. 303)
We read and listen to the life of the messengers and the salaf, and get amazed by it. But know, O dear brother/ sister, may Allah have mercy on you, they achieved that only because they did not come up with excuses that we bring. You have assignments and presentations to do, but did the sahaba did not have work, wife and children ?
If our excuses are never ending, then their excuses could also be never ending. But when a person wants something, he finds the time for it. As it is said, "where there is a will, there is a way!" May Allah give us a chance to benefit this deen of Allah. May we benefit our people, families and friends.
But modern atheism does not want people to fear anything: Allah, the punishment of Hell, the terrors of death and what comes after it or lunar (or solar) eclipses; what type of heedlessness do these people want? Many Atheists who point and criticize our belief in Jannah and Jahannam themselves admit that there is no force more powerful than this to act good. Dawkins fails to understand that it is this force itself that makes these "selfish genes" become selfless and act good.
Reflect a second:
Allah said,
إن في ذلك لذكرى لمن كان له قلب .. الآية
"Indeed in it is a reminder for those who have a heart.." (50:37)
But who does not has a heart ? Everyone has heart. But this is about a living heart.
* القلب الحي *
Scientists say that even thousands of Earths won't make up one Sun. Can a Sun really come up somehow ?
Any heart would know this.. but it is the heart to which Allah (subhanahu wata ala) gives tawfeeq.
Tawfeeq will not come by itself. Why not take time in tafakkur (contemplation/ deep thinking) and studying the creation of Allah ?
It is said, "tafakkur leads to taa'atullah (obedience of Allah).. and absence of tafakkur leads to kufr billah (disbelief in Allah)!"
- Sheikh Anwar Al Qarni
Think before you speak!
Explanation of the aayah (6:141) :
Reflect a second:
Allah said,
إن في ذلك لذكرى لمن كان له قلب .. الآية
"Indeed in it is a reminder for those who have a heart.." (50:37)
But who does not has a heart ? Everyone has heart. But this is about a living heart.
* القلب الحي *
Scientists say that even thousands of Earths won't make up one Sun. Can a Sun really come up somehow ?
Any heart would know this.. but it is the heart to which Allah (subhanahu wata ala) gives tawfeeq.
Tawfeeq will not come by itself. Why not take time in tafakkur (contemplation/ deep thinking) and studying the creation of Allah ?
It is said, "tafakkur leads to taa'atullah (obedience of Allah).. and absence of tafakkur leads to kufr billah (disbelief in Allah)!"
- Sheikh Anwar Al Qarni
Think before you speak!
Explanation of the aayah (6:141) :
وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَ جَنَّاتٍ مَّعْرُوشَاتٍ وَغَيْرَ مَعْرُوشَاتٍ وَالنَّخْلَ وَالزَّرْعَ مُخْتَلِفًا أُ كُلُهُ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالرُّمَّانَ مُتَشَابِهًا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَابِهٍ ۚ .. الآية
"It is he who produces gardens with creepers and upright plants, and date palms and farms with different crops, and olive and pomegranate, similar to one another and dissimilar (in taste).
The earth is same, the soil is same, but the fruits produced in the farms have different colors, taste, odour, smell and size. Similarly, the leaves of olive and pomegranate trees resemble in colour and shape, but their tastes are different.
It is all nothing but the manifestation of Allah's perfect power ever creation. And who is there who has complete and perfect authority on all these things except Allah subhanahu wata ala ?"
~ Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Luqman Salafi (From his magnificent tafseer: Taisīrur Rahman Le Bayānil Qur'ān)
Proof of God ?
Without the alteration of day and night, life would soon come to an end; without light, heat and other energies coming from the sun, we would not exist at all; without the moon and the tides caused by it's gravitation , the sea would soon stagnate; without the guidance of the stars, the mariners of old could never have their way on sea, or travelers on land; the cosmic rays come to us from all directions of space. The study of the galaxies under the guidance of the telescope, the photographic plate and the spectroscope illuminates our minds.
There is a rosy future for science and philosophy. This harmony of the universe with 'mind matter' is the most direct evidence of the onness of nature - humans and others included. No subtleties of thought or rules of logic are necessary here. The proof goes direct to the heart and soul, just as good food nourishes our bodies.
- Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar (Philosophy of the Qur'an on God, creation and evolution)
Without the alteration of day and night, life would soon come to an end; without light, heat and other energies coming from the sun, we would not exist at all; without the moon and the tides caused by it's gravitation , the sea would soon stagnate; without the guidance of the stars, the mariners of old could never have their way on sea, or travelers on land; the cosmic rays come to us from all directions of space. The study of the galaxies under the guidance of the telescope, the photographic plate and the spectroscope illuminates our minds.
There is a rosy future for science and philosophy. This harmony of the universe with 'mind matter' is the most direct evidence of the onness of nature - humans and others included. No subtleties of thought or rules of logic are necessary here. The proof goes direct to the heart and soul, just as good food nourishes our bodies.
- Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar (Philosophy of the Qur'an on God, creation and evolution)
Could this perfection be coincidence ?
This is a flaw. It is as if you were condemned to death and you'll be put before a firing squad. Twelve men there with high powered riffles with *telescopic sights*, and all have been told to pull a trigger and kill you. And they do, but you survive the event. You may say that you survived because they missed. But the only way that you could have survived was that the twelve had purposed that you were missed, and that they purposely pointed away from your heart, or that somebody had put blinds in their guns.
The only rational answer is that somebody had purposed. And likewise, you see this incredible evidence for fine tuning, design of the universe, the galaxies, the solar system, the multiverse, so the only rational conclusion is that somebody must have purposed it for life.
Challenge for a miracle?!
A man who lived in a cave all his life and never witnessed the Sun or the moon may laugh out loud if he were to be informed about a huge 'yellow' round thing that rises and sets everyday. This is nothing but a proof of human ignorance. Man should always be humble enough to accept his limited knowledge and grasp, and should submit to the one who has knowledge of all and has ability to do everything.
The Sun and the Moon, and the alteration of day and night has signs, and it is an amazing miracle, but woe to us, only if we contemplated on the signs of Allah. Contemplation on the signs is better than worshiping all night, and is from the greatest Imaan boosters, and increases our faith in Allah and his existence.
[Adapted from Tafheem ul Qur'an, Surah Ma'aarij, Maulana Maududi (rahimahullah)]
But I did not see God:
Allah says:
This is a flaw. It is as if you were condemned to death and you'll be put before a firing squad. Twelve men there with high powered riffles with *telescopic sights*, and all have been told to pull a trigger and kill you. And they do, but you survive the event. You may say that you survived because they missed. But the only way that you could have survived was that the twelve had purposed that you were missed, and that they purposely pointed away from your heart, or that somebody had put blinds in their guns.
The only rational answer is that somebody had purposed. And likewise, you see this incredible evidence for fine tuning, design of the universe, the galaxies, the solar system, the multiverse, so the only rational conclusion is that somebody must have purposed it for life.
Challenge for a miracle?!
A man who lived in a cave all his life and never witnessed the Sun or the moon may laugh out loud if he were to be informed about a huge 'yellow' round thing that rises and sets everyday. This is nothing but a proof of human ignorance. Man should always be humble enough to accept his limited knowledge and grasp, and should submit to the one who has knowledge of all and has ability to do everything.
The Sun and the Moon, and the alteration of day and night has signs, and it is an amazing miracle, but woe to us, only if we contemplated on the signs of Allah. Contemplation on the signs is better than worshiping all night, and is from the greatest Imaan boosters, and increases our faith in Allah and his existence.
[Adapted from Tafheem ul Qur'an, Surah Ma'aarij, Maulana Maududi (rahimahullah)]
But I did not see God:
Allah says:
ما أشهدتهم خلق السماوات والأرض ولا خلق أنفسهم وما كنت متخذ المضلين عضدا
Interpretation of the meaning:
"They did not witness the creation of the heavens and the earth nor their own creation.." (18:51)
Allah says: `These whom you take as helpers instead of Me are creatures just like you. They do not possess anything and did not witness the creation of heaven and earth, because they did not even exist at that time.' Allah says, `I am the One Who independently and exclusively creates and controls all things, and I have no partner, associate or advisor in that.' (Tafsir ibn Kathir)
This was in response to those who worship other 'gods'. But Al Qurtubi and Sheikh Shinqitee mentioned under this ayah that it can be applied to anyone who falls in this category:
والعبرة بعموم الألفاظ لا بخصوص الأسباب
People ask for emperistic evidence of Allah (based on physical observation and experimentation). But these are the same people who would argue for hours on how the universe came into existence though they do not have emperistic evidence for much of it. These people lack logical consistency and change the standards when ever they want.
They argue that you would never believe that there is an island on such and such place unless you have witnessed it or someone reliable reports it. But this is a lame argument, for you know that Shakespeare indeed existed looking at his works. Looking at something finite like this universe, no practical logical observation of this universe would make one conclude that this is not a work of someone.
Read more!
A fish that lives inside the pond assumes that the world outside the pond does not exists.
Newton and the Athiest:
Isaac Newton, had invited a scientist-friend of his, a man who professed atheism to dine with him. Seeking to corner his friend with his own arguments, Newton placed a model of the solar system on his table and invited his friend to view it. Upon examining it, Newtons friend exclaimed, what a marvellous craftsmanship! Who fashioned this exquisite model?Newton replied casually, This model has no maker, it materialized from nothing.Disbelief written large on his face, the friend asked, What do you mean? To this, Newton smiled and replied, How can you my friend, insist that this model has to have a maker, while vehemently denying the existence of a divine Creator?
Moral: If a model of the solar system must have a creator then what about the gigantic solar system itself? Let us worship that Creator who has created you and me.
The Barber and the client:
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: “ I don’t believe that God exists. ”
“ Why do you say that ?” asked the customer.
“ Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn’t exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can’t imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things. ”
The customer thought for a moment, but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.
The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: “You know what ? Barbers do not exist. ”
“ How can you say that ? ” asked the surprised barber.
“I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!”
“ No! ” the customer exclaimed.
“Barbers don’t exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.”
“Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is, people do not come to me.”
“Exactly!” affirmed the customer.
“That’s the point ! God, too, DOES exist ! What happens, is, people don’t go to Him and do not look for him."
(Ref: The Barber and the client: Atheist - Muslim Dialogue)
Allah is the Lord of Arsh, he is not someone who you have inherited from your parents, he is not merely an idea or in anyway a human discovery, he is not only an emotional component, he is not just a propositional revelation, and he is certainly not just a philosophical argument. He is the very being who created you in your mother's womb, Al Awwal (the first) and Al Akhir (the last).
There are people to who no amount of evidence would be sufficient. These are people deaf, dumb and blind to evidences. Allah (azzawajal) says:
إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِندَ اللَّهِ الصُّمُّ الْبُكْمُ الَّذِينَ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ
"Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason." (8:22)
At Tabari rahimahullah mentioned in it's tafseer: These are people who fail to understand the commands of Allah and his prohibitions, so they do whatever they want.
We are supposed to bear patience until they understand, just like Nooh (alayhissalam) bore patience for years together. Finally, may Allah's ultimate peace, mercy and blessings be upon his final messenger and prophet who brought this religion in perfection!
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