Is voting Haram ? What is the status of democracy in Islam ? Scholars in India have usually given permission to vote. But Imam Muqbil considered it shirk (or kufr). So, I wanted you to clarify this issue for me.
Answered by Shaikh Wasiullah Abbas
Bismillahir Rahmaan ar-Raheem
The form of voting which is taken from non Muslims is haram. But making a committee of few people to choose a leader is permissible. Like Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه appointed Umar رضي الله عنه who then made a committee of six men to choose one from the ashrah mubashirah (the ten who were given glad tidings of Jannah). This was also a form of voting. But Islamically, only those who Allah has blessed with knowledge and position in the govt. have the right to vote. Not the form of voting that non Muslims have made, where an ignorant and a knowledgeable carries equal weight. Sheikh Ibn Baz's vote and a taxi driver's vote is equal in their eyes. This is not Islamically correct.
The prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
أنزلوا الناس منازلهم
"Treat the people according to their ranks."
For this reason, voting in Islam is not from the general public but from the knowledgeable ones. Because they would choose the righteous and just ones. Not that every one votes. The closer we get to the day of judgement, the worse leader would be chosen. Majority of the peole would want dancers and singers to become their leader. For this reason, such voting is haram
A poet said: "Democracy is a type of government where people are counted, not weighed."
A stupid and a scholar carry equal weight! So, this form of voting is not permissible. Any individual or group that tries to make a Islamic government in this way is condemned. Democracy has no status in Islam.
Allah says:
"وَمَا أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتَ بِمُؤْمِنِينَ
"And most of the people, although you strive [for it], are not believers." (12:103)
So, obviously majority would choose a kaafir!
Me: Scholars in India have usually given permission to vote. But Imam Muqbil considered it shirk (or kufr). So, I wanted you to clarify this for me.
Sheikh: The fact of the matter is that, many a times many things are permitted out of neccessity. If there is a just individual, for example, In India there was Mulayam Singh. A fatwa was passed to vote him because he promised that he would help Muslims, and he did help.
So in this way, one may vote in such neccessary situations.
Albani has as well given a similar fatwa of permissibility in a similar way. But I have been emphasising this even before him.
It is necessary that we vote for the right person or else we will be responsible for loosing our own rights!
Me: How about voting against Modi (tyrant Indian leader)?
Sheikh Wasiullah: Vote against Modi a thousand times! So that he looses. Let a good Muslim or even a just Hindu become the leader (in opposition to other tyrants).
For instance, in the UK in many places if they don't for their leaders, they blackmail that they would not let them pray on the roads on fridays etc.
And if you vote for them, they help you. So, such people should be voted for.
Me: So, sheikh this does not has to do with shirk?
Shaikh: No, this won't be considered shirk. We intend only good. And if we don't vote, we would incur much loss. So in conclusion, it wouldn't be said that it is haram in every situation, or halal in every situation (ie., it depends from situation to situation).
Allah says:
فمن اضطر غير باغ ولا عاد فلا إثم عليه
“But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him.” (2:173)
And the "Islamic Law" well accepted by scholars is:
الضرورات تبيح المحظورات
Haram becomes halal at times of neccessity
Date: Rabi Ath Thani 1437 (January, 2016)
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