Sunday, 25 September 2016

Does Allah forgive homosexuals?┇Advice to repent - Shaikh Ibn Baz

Bismillahir Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Organisms live to fulfill their purpose. Human life is not just for sex, there's much beyond it. If your life was just worth sex, then you wouldn't reach an age when you would become barren.

Allah is not just our Creator and Lord, who alone created us and gives us food when we ask. But he is also the Judge, who judges what we ought to do and what not.

The first thing that Allah prohibited on himself was injustice. Had prohibition of homosexuality be injustice, it would not be a part of Islam.

Humans do not use even 30% of their brain. No wonder some of us fail to comprehend the wisdom behind it's prohibition.

Homosexuality is not "natural", even if few animals practice it. From when have we begun to take lessons from animals ?

And homosexual urge may be or may seem to be natural, but this does not mean that it has to be implemented. You may have "natural" urges for lot of things, like pedophilia, but this does not mean that it is your "right" to implement it!

Two homosexuals "willingly" staying together does not justifies the evil and destruction of that on which multiplication of human progeny is based. You willingly committing suicide by bombing yourself in an empty open ground does not justifies the destruction and sin you would do. 

Committing sodomy is mis-use and abuse sex. It stands contrary to the very purpose of sex. 

Beautiful advice of Shaikh Ibn Baz to a homosexual
 [Must Read]

This questioner says: 
I have committed that what angers Allah, the action of people of Lut... till end. [Clip trimmed]

Shaikh Ibn Baz:
First of all, the action of people of Lut is among the worst of the major sins and acts of immorality. We seek Allah's help. Allah has stated about action of people of Lut: "And [mention] Lot, when he said to his people, "Indeed, you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds." [29:28]

And in the hadith: 'Allah has cursed the who does the action people of Lut, Allah has cursed the who does the action people of Lut, Allah has cursed the who does the action people of Lut.' Thus, it is something extremely immoral.  We seek Allah's mercy.

And you must repent to Allah, with a sincere true repentance which includes: You should regret having done it. And should give up the sin having esteem respect for Allah and fearing him. And you should resolve never to go back to it.  

This is obligatory on you. We ask Allah for this, and perhaps you have already repented from that - inshaa'Allah.

And the point is: “The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin.”

If you ask Allah truly for repentance, then you're upon good. And now you know that a true repentance comprises of three things:
Firstly: You should regret having done this abhorrent act. 
Secondly: And should give it up the and be careful. 
Thirdly: Resolve honestly never to go back to it.  

And with this, it is prescribed on you that you now get into good deeds, as Allah (azzawajal) stated:
'And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.' (24:31)

And due to the statement of Allah after he mentioned Shirk, murder, fornication in Surah Furqan: 'Except the one who repents and believes' (25:70)

69. 'And those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty.'
70. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace;

This is the punishment for the polytheist, murder who kills wrongly, and the fornicator.

And if this severe punishment is for the fornicator and those with him, then the man who commits sex with a man is worse - We seek Allah's safety.

Then, he said after this: 'Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.' (25:70)

So dear brother, upon is true repentance and good deeds and have glad tidings of good - insha'Allah.

And Allah also says in another aayah: 'And verily, I am Forgiving to him who repents, believes and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them, (till his death).' [20:82]

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