Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه reported that the Messenger said, “He is not one of us who imitates other than us. Do not imitate the Jews and the Christians.” [At- Tirmidhi]
Have you ever seen a cashier in a Samsung mobile showroom wearing an Apple branded t-shirt? It would be strange if that happened, isn't it? Okay, how would it be if he markets and advertises Apple smartphones openly in the shop. Won't he be then removed out of the shop? :P
Actually this case is simple but many people have made it complex. Shaikh al Munajjid spends some time explaining this important issue which plays a significant role in the dealings of daily-life of a Muslim with Kuffar (disbelievers).
Imitating or Loving the Kuffar permissible?┇Shaikh Muhammad al Munajjid [NEW VIDEO]
Transcript below:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem
Sixth point with regards to dealing with Kuffar:
Prohibition of imitating them, rather we must oppose them.
Meaning that it is legitimate to oppose them and is prohibited to imitate them. As the Prophet said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (Abu Dawood, authentic) So Islam prohibits imitating
everything that is unique to them. And their customs and acts of worship. Which customs? Those by which they are distinguished and are recognized through. And similarly, it is not permissible to imitate them in their lifestyle. Like how the prophet denounced imitating fire worshippers in shaving the beard and elongating the mustache. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: Imitating others and being like them in outward appearance and behavior leads to imitating them and being like them in one’s heart and mind, by way of gradual, hidden influence. [Iqtida’ (1/548)]
But if someone were to ask, 'Why is it not permissible to imitate them? We say: There are many reasons:
Firstly, they become happy that Muslims are imitating and acting like them.
Secondly, in it is loss of reputation of people of Islam, and honor of Shirk.
Thirdly, increasing (i.e., indirect marketing) of these is not permissible.
Fourthly, imitating them in appearance leads to imitation of their internal views.
And the one who claims that there is no affect or connection between outward appearance and the heart, then he is in a delusion to the reality. Don't you notice that the code of conduct of the soldiers differs? In their ways, and even in the manner of walking compared to the ordinary city lifestyle. And what is the difference other than the outward appearance i.e., the clothing?
Therefore the outward look of anything, or an apparent lifestyle, or outward clothing or customs affects the heart. This is why Shaikh-ul Islam said: 'By way of gradual, hidden influence.' Meaning infiltration of ideology and creed of Kuffar into the minds of imitators. So, outward imitation seeds a type of affection, love and alliance in the heart.
That is why you find when Muslim youth imitate the Kuffar they imitate the singers, actors and players. And many even imitate them wearing clothes of their monks, pastors and things like that. All this leads to having love for them, and infiltrates love to the level that they uphold the symbols of Kufr. Like making the sign of cross (by hand gesture) in the playgrounds and other than that. This is imitation, but a clear imitation of Kufr. So no one should say: 'Oh, this is merely outward imitation, nothing big. His creed is fine in the heart..' We say: No! It is not fine, and it cannot be fine.
So, outward imitation seeds a type of affection, love and alliance in the heart like how love in the heart yields outward imitations. Because no doubt that love necessitates closeness and agreement, and hatred necessitates distance and disagreement. And the one who hates someone, he never imitates him. Example, if a wife hates her mother-in-law, she will not imitate her even in the cooking style! So, it is not a silly issue. Why? Because heart follows the outward.
And if he hates someone, he will not dress like him, nor will he walk like him. Rather, he will oppose him with passion, due to his dislike and hatred. And if he likes someone, he follows his speaking, walking and dressing style. And things as such which are done out of extreme love. Therefore, there is a clear and very strong connection between outward appearance and the heart. So when Islam has prohibited us from outward imitation, then it has great wisdom and strong reasons for it.
Seventh point with regards to dealing with Kuffar: Disassociation from their Shirk and Kufr, and not allying them. Even if they are not fighting us, and have done favors upon us. Because that does not obligates that we ally or love them or support their Kufr.
Shaikh-ul Islam (rahimahullah) said: "Alliance is the opposite of antagonism. And the basis of alliance is love and closeness. And the basis of enmity is hatred and distance." [Fataawa]
Allah says: 'And [it is] an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger (disassociated from them).' [9:03]
This is a proof of disassociation from the Polytheists. So, the people of faith disassociate from the disbelievers completely. Allah says: 'You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. [58:22]
And from the most significant forms of alliance of what the people of knowledge have mentioned which are all prohibited and may reach Kufr: Being pleased with their disbelief, or having doubts, or not declaring them Kuffar, or commending their religion, and similarly ruling by them.
As in the statement of Allah: 'Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to false judges while they were commanded to reject it.' [4:60]
And same is the case for having affection and love for them. Allah says: 'You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger.' [58:22]
Therefore, it is prohibited to love them. And from the prohibitions is also: Placing trust in them, depending on them, and making them the advocates. Allah says: 'And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire, and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor you would then be helped. [11:113]
And from the strictly prohibited matters is supporting and assisting them against the Muslims and the people of this religion. Allah says: 'And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them.' [5:51]
And from the most corrupted types is to place their constitutions in Muslim lands to rule by. Allah says: 'Do they then seek the judgment of (the Days of) Ignorance?' [5:50]
And there are many other prohibited forms of alliance with Kuffar, and these were some of them. And it is obligatory to disassociate from them, and hate whatever disbelief they are upon.
But if one were to say: These people mix with us. And they are with us in our businesses, and we travel to them, and they teach us, and they learn with us. And the world has become global, these non-Muslims are with Muslims on forums, social platforms and other than that. But we say: All that still does not make alliance and love permissible to be in the heart.
For how can you love the one who is an enemy of your Lord? And abused and reviled? And accuses that he has a wife and a son! And accuses that he is one of the three. And alleges that Jesus is Allah! And accuses that he is Buddha. And accuses that he is a Cow! And accuses that he is a Star or a Moon. And accuses that he is a tree or a stone! And the one who denies his existence, and strives against him - like these Atheists. How can you love him? How can you love him although he abuses and reviles your Lord?! And disbelieves in him, and strives against it? That is not possible for a believer. And the one who loves a disbeliever, then upon him is to return to his religion. And he must expel this from his heart, for he is in a big danger.
And this does not mean denial of showing kindness and benevolence to those who do not fight us. Kindness to them does not necessitates that we love them. Nor does benevolence to them necessitates that we ally them. And at-times, you work under one of the Muslims who you hate, yet you co-operate with him outwardly. Your boss at work, many hate them. Yet they co-operate with them in meetings, and comply with the Business plans. And it may happen that he is good to you, yet you hate him. Your boss at work, calls you for a feast and serves you, and so on. But yet you hate him severely, although he is a Muslim. Only due to some disagreement between you and him. Or because he has an attitude that you don't like, and issues like that. So what do you say about this? Although he is a believer like you. Yet your hatred for him is without boundaries.
Therefore, a true believer is the one whose stance for a Kafir is the Islamic stance. He neither oppresses him, nor does he acts treacherously towards him. Rather, he is likely benevolent and kind towards him. Yet, internally he hates him for his disbelief. To conclude, the stance of Kafir about Allah decides our stance towards him. Therefore, we have clarified the stance of the righteous predecessors with the opponents i.e., the disbelievers.
End quote.
And the one who claims that there is no affect or connection between outward appearance and the heart, then he is in a delusion to the reality. Don't you notice that the code of conduct of the soldiers differs? In their ways, and even in the manner of walking compared to the ordinary city lifestyle. And what is the difference other than the outward appearance i.e., the clothing?
Therefore the outward look of anything, or an apparent lifestyle, or outward clothing or customs affects the heart. This is why Shaikh-ul Islam said: 'By way of gradual, hidden influence.' Meaning infiltration of ideology and creed of Kuffar into the minds of imitators. So, outward imitation seeds a type of affection, love and alliance in the heart.
That is why you find when Muslim youth imitate the Kuffar they imitate the singers, actors and players. And many even imitate them wearing clothes of their monks, pastors and things like that. All this leads to having love for them, and infiltrates love to the level that they uphold the symbols of Kufr. Like making the sign of cross (by hand gesture) in the playgrounds and other than that. This is imitation, but a clear imitation of Kufr. So no one should say: 'Oh, this is merely outward imitation, nothing big. His creed is fine in the heart..' We say: No! It is not fine, and it cannot be fine.
So, outward imitation seeds a type of affection, love and alliance in the heart like how love in the heart yields outward imitations. Because no doubt that love necessitates closeness and agreement, and hatred necessitates distance and disagreement. And the one who hates someone, he never imitates him. Example, if a wife hates her mother-in-law, she will not imitate her even in the cooking style! So, it is not a silly issue. Why? Because heart follows the outward.
And if he hates someone, he will not dress like him, nor will he walk like him. Rather, he will oppose him with passion, due to his dislike and hatred. And if he likes someone, he follows his speaking, walking and dressing style. And things as such which are done out of extreme love. Therefore, there is a clear and very strong connection between outward appearance and the heart. So when Islam has prohibited us from outward imitation, then it has great wisdom and strong reasons for it.
Seventh point with regards to dealing with Kuffar: Disassociation from their Shirk and Kufr, and not allying them. Even if they are not fighting us, and have done favors upon us. Because that does not obligates that we ally or love them or support their Kufr.
Shaikh-ul Islam (rahimahullah) said: "Alliance is the opposite of antagonism. And the basis of alliance is love and closeness. And the basis of enmity is hatred and distance." [Fataawa]
Allah says: 'And [it is] an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger (disassociated from them).' [9:03]
This is a proof of disassociation from the Polytheists. So, the people of faith disassociate from the disbelievers completely. Allah says: 'You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. [58:22]
And from the most significant forms of alliance of what the people of knowledge have mentioned which are all prohibited and may reach Kufr: Being pleased with their disbelief, or having doubts, or not declaring them Kuffar, or commending their religion, and similarly ruling by them.
As in the statement of Allah: 'Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to false judges while they were commanded to reject it.' [4:60]
And same is the case for having affection and love for them. Allah says: 'You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger.' [58:22]
Therefore, it is prohibited to love them. And from the prohibitions is also: Placing trust in them, depending on them, and making them the advocates. Allah says: 'And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire, and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor you would then be helped. [11:113]
And from the strictly prohibited matters is supporting and assisting them against the Muslims and the people of this religion. Allah says: 'And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them.' [5:51]
And from the most corrupted types is to place their constitutions in Muslim lands to rule by. Allah says: 'Do they then seek the judgment of (the Days of) Ignorance?' [5:50]
And there are many other prohibited forms of alliance with Kuffar, and these were some of them. And it is obligatory to disassociate from them, and hate whatever disbelief they are upon.
But if one were to say: These people mix with us. And they are with us in our businesses, and we travel to them, and they teach us, and they learn with us. And the world has become global, these non-Muslims are with Muslims on forums, social platforms and other than that. But we say: All that still does not make alliance and love permissible to be in the heart.
For how can you love the one who is an enemy of your Lord? And abused and reviled? And accuses that he has a wife and a son! And accuses that he is one of the three. And alleges that Jesus is Allah! And accuses that he is Buddha. And accuses that he is a Cow! And accuses that he is a Star or a Moon. And accuses that he is a tree or a stone! And the one who denies his existence, and strives against him - like these Atheists. How can you love him? How can you love him although he abuses and reviles your Lord?! And disbelieves in him, and strives against it? That is not possible for a believer. And the one who loves a disbeliever, then upon him is to return to his religion. And he must expel this from his heart, for he is in a big danger.
And this does not mean denial of showing kindness and benevolence to those who do not fight us. Kindness to them does not necessitates that we love them. Nor does benevolence to them necessitates that we ally them. And at-times, you work under one of the Muslims who you hate, yet you co-operate with him outwardly. Your boss at work, many hate them. Yet they co-operate with them in meetings, and comply with the Business plans. And it may happen that he is good to you, yet you hate him. Your boss at work, calls you for a feast and serves you, and so on. But yet you hate him severely, although he is a Muslim. Only due to some disagreement between you and him. Or because he has an attitude that you don't like, and issues like that. So what do you say about this? Although he is a believer like you. Yet your hatred for him is without boundaries.
Therefore, a true believer is the one whose stance for a Kafir is the Islamic stance. He neither oppresses him, nor does he acts treacherously towards him. Rather, he is likely benevolent and kind towards him. Yet, internally he hates him for his disbelief. To conclude, the stance of Kafir about Allah decides our stance towards him. Therefore, we have clarified the stance of the righteous predecessors with the opponents i.e., the disbelievers.
End quote.
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