Monday, 26 December 2016

Accusations of Tabdee' - Shaikh al Munajjid

Tabdee' refers to declaring someone to be from Ahl al Bid'ah. Shaikh al Munajjid explores and refutes a form of deviancy and extremism found among few people, although many of them falsely ascribe themselves to be followers of Salaf, may Allah have mercy on them in their graves. 

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Let's move to next issue which is related to Bid'ah and it is: Deviations in Tabdee'

People are divided with regards to Bid'ah and tabdee, similar to other topics into two extremes and a middle path. There are those who went to extreme by declaring Bid'ah to be that which is not Bid'ah, they widen the meaning of Bid'ah and include in it that what is not part of it. And did tabdee' of those who are not deserving of Tabdee'. And on the other extreme, there are those who narrowed the meaning of Bid'ah and permitted it. Upto an extent that some of them claim that there is no Bid'ah except the major ones Like the Bid'ah of Mu'tazilah, Khawarij, Qadariyyah. That's it. And if you were to bring issues like Bid'ah in adhkaar (supplications), they would say: 'Nah! This is not a Bid'ah. Bid'ah is only what the Qadariyyah, Jabaraiyyah, Jahmiyyah, etc., did.' 

And successful is the one who Allah gives success. So, he comprehends what is Bid'ah, and what is sunnah, and what is permissible. Not everything is either sunnah or a Bid'ah. It may be a permissible issue without being neither Sunnah nor Bid'ah. And there are those who have extremism with regards to Bid'ah that they make tabdee' easily and quickly. We have already mentioned that inventing new matters and innovating is a serious and a dangerous matter. And that warning from it is obligatory. And that hurrying in Tabdee' is a sinful matter, as it is transgression. You claim that he is an innovator while he is not an innovator? And one must warn from this, as the prophet (ﷺ) said: "If a man accuses another man of deviance or accuses him of disbelief, that accusation will come back on him if his companion is not as he said." (Bukhari)

Thus, this is a warning and condemnation for the one who is quick in Tafseeq, Tabdee and Takfeer. So when one claims someone to be innovator, or evil doer, or a kafir, and it is not so, then it returns back to himself. And this does not mean that speaker automatically becomes a Kafir due to it, or Fasiq, or an innovator. But the sin of Takfeer, Tafseeq and Tabdee return to him, as An-Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim. And you'll find people who are aggressors in our time and before, who hurry in accusing others of Bid'ah. As soon as someone opposes him, he begins to chant: 'Mubtadi', 'misguider', 'misguided', etc.

 As we spoke about the issue of Takfeer, that a group from Khawarij of today and other extremists hurry in Takfeer of others and accuse them of apostasy. They go to any ordinary man who may have not studied even a single field of the deen, and begin to accuse others. This ordinary ignorant man - full of ignorance about the matters of the deen of Allah. But they say: 'Oh, you don't know this? Then you are an apostate!' They set their own rules: 'You don't know this so you are an apostate!' 'Come we will slaughter you dear apostate.' This is not permissible - all this spill of blood.

I believe that this is from the strategies of enemies of Islam that they charge up the mentality of Khawarij. And don't watch or share their videos, as the kuffar want these videos to spread to accomplish in contaminating the image of Islam. So when you find the extremists who falsely accuse others a Kuffar, apostasy, and call to spill blood, - when you find them established and their videos being spread, then know that there is someone wants everyone to focus on this. So that non Muslims and even the Muslims say: What? Oh is this your deen? Is this Islam?

Allah stated: 'So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks.' (47:4) Meaning: Strike the neck from the side. But they are slaughtering the Muslims from the front (throat).

 Some of the extremists claim affiliation to the madhab of Salaf only to destroy it. And they are fighting the methodology of Salaf. And they did not leave anyone from their accusation of Bid'ah: Neither scholars, nor preachers, nor students of knowledge.

For instance, if a preacher were to make a single mistake, they judge him an innovator that very second! And at times, those are just ijtihadi issues, and not even actual mistakes. But they judge straightaway: 'You are an innovator!' Fine, why do you accuse him to be an innovator? Because he differed with him. Even if anyone were to differ with them in issues of Ijtihad or ikhtilaaf, they strightaway judge others as innovators. 

And similar is their attitude towards an error of a mujtahid. The prophet (ﷺ) informed us that from the scholars are those who get it right and those who err. But when these extremists see a Mujtahid's error, they declare him an innovator. 'You are a deviated innovator, deviating others.' 'It is not allowed to recite to you or listen, and abandoning is obligatory' - etc. 

So this is their setup, similar to the issue of Takfeer: 'You are deviated, and deviating others' etc Until they declare your blood and wealth halal, and slaughter. This extremism is step by step increase in transgression. And its not just a matter of theory: 'So and so is an innovator', 'kafir', 'apostate.' 'Rather there is much beyond it. For example, if one were to be declared an apostate, beyond it is slaughter, and taking his wealth. And if one were to be declared an innovator, beyond it is desertion. 

And you'll find that many of these are young in age, and are foolish just like those who are extreme in Takfeer. I myself witnessed when one of these went to a student of knowledge in the sacred land, and this student seemed very old in age. A young guy went to him and tapped him, not with his hands but with his slippers. So when the student turned to him, that guy asked: 'Are you so and so?' He replied: 'Yes.' So he said: 'May Allah blacken your face on the day when the faces will be blackened. This was his behavior with him. And he meant to say that he is an innovator, and according to tafseer of the ayah: 'On the Day [some] faces will turn white and [some] will turn black.' [3:106]

Those who will turn black are Ahl-al Bid'ah. First of all, what's your age? How many years you spend studying, and what have you studied? This is one of the calamities - Calamities of the Ummah.

'He is an innovator.' Why is he an innovator? 'Because he praised so and so.'

He is an innovator.' Why is he an innovator? 'Because he reviled so and so.'

So it became an issue of personalities. If someone praised Iblees, Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, that is a clear issue. But if he praised someone whose matter is unclear, accused and perhaps he committed a mistake. If you praised him then you are an innovator! Why did you praise him?

'You are an innovator.' Why ? 'Because you quoted a sentence from such book.'

Fine, but is the sentence that I copied has to do with Bid'ah? No, not necessary. You merely quoted from his book, so you are an innovator!

O people, I may quote something from a Kafir. I mean is everything that the Kuffar say is wrong? Aren't there Kuffar whose speech may have something correct? For example, I may quote a Kafir's advice with regards to marriage. Don't some of the statements of Kuffar have wisdom? For example: 'Helping the children from being exploited online.' Don't they have wise advices on this issue? They do. I mean, read their statements: 'I used to caution my children from speaking with unknown people. And I tell them that communication with unknown people is not good.' Isn't this a wise statement? Okay, if I were to quote a Kafir man or woman on this topic, What is the ruling on quoting this statement? Do I become a Kafir merely by quoting a Kafir? So, this deviated way of Tabdee' and oppression that you find nowadays, of Tabdee' on someone merely because he quoted the one who he opposes. But is the statement quoted itself is correct or wrong?

'You are an innovator.' Why ? 'Because you co-operate with such and such Islamic organization where there is one innovator. Is this how it goes? That you become an innovator merely because of that one innovator?

'The one who speaks ill of so and so scholar is an innovator.' Why? Are they Abu Bakr and Umar? I mean that this ruling is understandable on the one who speaks ill of these two. But to make Tabdee' merely due to him praising or speaking ill of so and so:- Shaikhul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah said: 'It is not for anyone to raise some person up, and call the Ummah to follow his path, allying or antagonizing for him, other than the prophet. Nor should they take any statement to set the basis for allying or antagonizing other than the speech of Allah or his prophet or on what the entire Ummah has agreed upon. Rather, this is from the behavior of the people of Bid’ah who put up some person or some opinion, and divide the Ummah with it. They ally on agreement of that statement, and antagonize.” [Majmoo’ Fataawa (Vol. 20, page 164)]

From the deviations is also sequence of Tabdee'. So they do stop at the one who committed a Bid'ah, but they say: 'The one who does not make Tabdee' of so and so is an innovator. The one who does not make Tabdee' of the one who does not make Tabdee' of so and so is an innovator.

And so on. This is their sequence.
(The one who does not makes tabdeee)*4 is also an innovator!

And you'll find that their scale to judge is - for example, if they found someone to be good today, they'd remain quiet. But he disagreed with him the next day, so he becomes an innovator. And the one who does not make his Tabdee' is an innovator. So, it’s all about the mood, or on personal agreement and disagreement. Not on the speech of Allah and his messenger. And similarly, the one who attended a lecture in which there is so and so, then he is an innovator. Okay, but how does he become sinful because of that man's attendance?

They say: 'No, how can you attend the same lecture together in the same gathering?' 'This is an innovator!'

If you did not criticize so and so, or such and such organization, then you are an innovator!

Shaikh Al Albani was asked about the phrase: 'The one who does not make Tabdee' of an innovator is also an innovator, and the one who is not with us is against us.'

So he replied objecting it: 'Who is the one who uses this principle and who made this principle? Then shaikh Al Albani (rahimahullah) said: 'It is never necessary that the one on who made Takfeer and established the proof, that everyone agrees with him in Takfeer. As it may be that he is misinterpreting, and that another scholar does not considers Takfeer permissible on him. And similar are Tafseeq and Tabdee, for this in reality is from the trials of this era. And is a result of some of the youth quickly claiming to have knowledge.

And the point is that this sequence and this accusation is never binding (on anyone). This matter is open to discussion. A scholar may find something to be obligatory, and the other may not see like that. And the scholars never differed except because it is an issue of Ijtihaad. It is not necessary for the others to take his opinion. The one on who it is necessary is the blind follower who does not has any knowledge. And he is the one on who it is obligatory to follow. As for the one who is an scholar, then he does has to follow anyone: Be in Tafseeq, Tabdee, or Takfeer, if he does not agree.
End quote from 'Silsilah Huda wan Noor' (778) - Shaikh Al Albani (Rahimahullah)

There is more with regards to the principles of Tabdee'. We have already spoken about Bid'ah: What is the Bid'ah actually is, and examples of that. Then we moved to the issue of unjust Tabdee', and the transgressions in it. Later we'll cover the other side of this.

وصلى اللهم وسلم على نبينا محمد

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