Monday, 26 December 2016

Rabi ul Awwal [1438 - 2016]

Ever wondered how you could be more productive in your life?
Its all about what you surround yourself with.
Embark on a journey to find out more...
Alhumdulillah our Rabi' Al Awwal edition is out.

Share it with your friends and family, young and old.
Want to save as pdf, and read later? Download here 

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Accusations of Tabdee' - Shaikh al Munajjid

Tabdee' refers to declaring someone to be from Ahl al Bid'ah. Shaikh al Munajjid explores and refutes a form of deviancy and extremism found among few people, although many of them falsely ascribe themselves to be followers of Salaf, may Allah have mercy on them in their graves. 

Imitating or Loving the Kuffar permissible?┇Why Not? - Shaikh Muhammad al Munajjid

Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه reported that the Messenger said, “He is not one of us who imitates other than us. Do not imitate the Jews and the Christians.” [At- Tirmidhi]

Have you ever seen a cashier in a Samsung mobile showroom wearing an Apple branded t-shirt? It would be strange if that happened, isn't it? Okay, how would it be if he markets and advertises Apple smartphones openly in the shop. Won't he be then removed out of the shop? :P

Actually this case is simple but many people have made it complex. Shaikh al Munajjid spends some time explaining this important issue which plays a significant role in the dealings of daily-life of a Muslim with Kuffar (disbelievers).

Imitating or Loving the Kuffar permissible?┇Shaikh Muhammad al Munajjid [NEW VIDEO]

Transcript below:

Friday, 23 December 2016

Pearls from Surat-ul Kahf [weekly updated]

دُرَر مِن سُورَة الكَهف

I.               Introduction
II.            Book Objectives
III.         Benefits of learning Tafseer
IV.         Obligation of learning Tafseer
V.            Connection of Surat-ul Kahf with the previous Surah
VI.         Virtues of Surat-ul Kahf
VII.      Objective of the Surah:
VIII.   Makki or Madani
IX.          Benefits from some of the virtues of Surat-ul Kahf
X.             Pearls from the Surah:

Monday, 28 November 2016

WORLD OF WISDOM: Selections from Ibn Hazm's "In Pursuit of Virtue"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

We went through Imam Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi's this book and found it to be a great treasure. Indeed his biography and the introduction in this publish by Dr. Muhammad Abu Layla (TA-HA Publishers) was beneficial and informative. What follows is short, but we wished to share. We thank the brothers of Islamic society at Nottingham University (Malaysia) to let me make us of it. 


Selections from chapter I of In Pursuit of Virtue:
Reading all fields vs. specializing in one:
Speaking skills:

Selections from chapter II of In Pursuit of Virtue:
Lies and Liars:
Promoting the good and condemning the bad:

Selections from chapter III of In Pursuit of Virtue:
Disillusion-ary world :
Arabic metaphor's:

Selections from  Ibn Hazm's book:
Train Yourself:
Introvert vs. Extrovert:
Do not Postpone or belittle:Deceiver:


Practical Morality:
Self Help for the corrupt:
Reality of oppression:

Search for repute and popularity:

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Selected lessons for every Da'ee from Taiseer ur Rahman of Shaikh Muhammad Luqman

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

In our humble opinion, among all the tafaseer (explanations of the Qur'an) available today in book form in the English, the one on second rank is Taiseer ur Rahman of Shaikh Muhammad Luqman (hafidhahullah), only after Tafseer Ibn Kathir (9 vols.). It's focus ranges from explanation through Arabic grammar, fiqh, hadith, logic, etc.  This book is best for children, family, and university students. And certainly, it is handy for da'ees as it is all in one volume. This article has been arranged categorically according to the page numbers. 


Call and invite others to Islam:
2. Is the command of patience abrogated?
3. Never sell the deen out of fear or to please them:
4. They will black-mail you and try to punish:
5. Migrate when it goes beyond patience and control:
6. A Da'ee must respond good to the evil:
7. The prophet could not be a poet:
8. Proofs of life-after death: Reflect on human creation:
9. How singers and dancers troubled our beloved prophet:
10. Meaning of 'words of Allah would not be exhausted':
11. Proofs of life-after death: Creation of man is one of the proofs of powers of Allah:
12. Those who desired the luxuries of life, the wicked, the perverted and the transgressing leaders have always denied the Hereafter:
13. Materialistic inviter towards Allah has no effect in his speech:
14. Taking the proof of life after death from the growth of plants through rainfall:
15. Urge them to give the right to freedom of religion as fellow citizens:
16. Have patience like the patience of the noblest prophets:
17. Fiqh of Negotiation:
18. Praising the virtues of the noble companions:
19. Signs for those with an open mind:
20. Reason for repetition in Surat-ur Rahman
21. Everything has to perish but your Lord:
22. How long will you run from Allah?

23. Stages of human creation is a phenomena of the Absolute power of Allah:
24. Cultivation of plants is a proof of Allah’s ability to resurrect:
25. Meaning of the verse: “Had We sent this Qur’an upon a mountain..”:
26. Admonition to observe patience during the course of Islamic Da'wah (call):

27. Fulfill your obligation with patience and don't commit the mistake what Yunus (alayhis-salam) did:
28. Seeking help from Jinn is forbidden, even from good Muslims among them:
29. Creation not co-incidence:
30. Call to belief before actions:
31. Record of deeds of the evil are in Sijjin:
32. Record of deeds of the good are in Illiyeen:
33. You don't live only once:
34. Don't worry Allah has a better plan:
35. Don't they see?
36. Invite, and not push or force:

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Essentials of Da'wah [Usool ad-Da'wah أصول الدعوة ]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Last year there were no less than thirty movies made to spread hatred of Islam and Muslims. If a man watched one of these two hour movies, there are high chances that the seed of hatred must be laid in this average ordinary man. This is why it is difficult to take rest, it has become difficult to give long intervals to myself.

I hope that people have enough comprehension that they realize the importance of learning and teaching Islam to others by whatever means possible, directly by speech or indirectly by actions. Remember that those who do not call to Islam are prone to destroy like those who do not believe in Islam! [Surat-ul Asr]

Below are taken and adapted from the classes of our Shaykh Shams uz Zaman of the book "Usool ad - Da'wah" by Mahmood Ahmad Diyaa'.

Definition of Da'wah
Obligation of Da'wah
Virtues of Da'wah
Objectives of Da'wah
Pillars of Da'wah
Principles of Da’wah

[Much more to come. Keep updated!]

Certainty for those confused about Qadr

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Qadr is one of the pillars of Islam. 
Qadar means that Allaah has decreed everything that happens in the universe according to His prior knowledge and the dictates of His wisdom. The stronger the belief in it, the stronger one's faith. Therefore, clarity on this matter is essential, and obligatory on every Muslim. No Muslim should have any doubt about it. What follows is a very brief, concise and comprehensive message about Qadr. This is only a part from the upcoming tafseer of surat-ul Qadr. May Allah assist me to complete it, and accept it making it a reason for peace in my grave. 

[13/02/1438 corresponding to 14/11/2016]

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Quick awesome tips to make your Ramadan perfect!

*#Ramadan Tips*

We plan before whatever step we take be in business life or social life, as we realise its importance and the loss of neglecting it. So, why neglect it for Ramadan? Below are few:

Delights of Lailat-ul Qadr

Delights of Laylat-ul Qadr
(An explanation of Surat-ul Qadr)

Compiled by
Arshan Ibn Umar Ibn Ibraheem Ansari

(May Allah forgive him, his parents, teachers and all Muslims)

1.     Introduction
2.     Mention of this Surah being Makki
3.     Reason for revelation of the surah
4.     Relation with the previous surah
5.     Tafseer of the first aayah:
5.1 Use of the word “Inna” denotes majesty, not plural
5.2 The pronoun ‘Hu’ (it) refers to Qur’an
5.3 Why the word “Qur’an” has not been even mentioned in this aayah
5.4 Date on which Quran was revealed
5.5 Types of revelations
5.6 Meaning of the word “Lail”
5.7 Why Allah chose night instead of day to reveal the Qur’an?
5.8 Meaning of the word “Qadr”
5.9 Belief in Qadr
5.10 Different names and attributes by which “Lailat-ul Qadr” is mentioned
5.11 Is this night blessed because of the revelation of Qur’an or was it already as such?
5.12 Greatest virtue of Lailat-ul Qadr is that Qur’an was revealed in this night
5.13 Qur’an – The Eternal Miracle
5.14 A reminder and a warning
5.15 Different names of “Lailat-ul Qadr”mentioned in the tafaseer
5.16 Greatest virtue of Lailat-ul Qadr is that Qur’an was revealed in this night
6.     Tafseer of the second aayah:
6.1 Style of this aayah compared with other ayaat
6.2 Allah’s emphasis is what Lailat-ul Qadr is
7.     Tafseer of the third aayah:
7.1 Repetition of the word Lailat-ul Qadr a third time
7.2 Allah wants to convey the message
7.3 Is ‘thousand’ literalor metaphorical?
7.4Better than a thousand years, not equal
8.     Tafseer of the fourth aayah:
8.1 What are “Malaaikah”?        
8.2 Who is “Rooh”?
8.3 Angels always obey their Rabb
8.4 Mention of what“amr” refers to
9.     Tafseer of the fifth aayah:
9.1 What salaam means
9.2 Signs of Lailat-ul Qadr
9.3 The word “hiya”
9.4 Discussion on the exact date of Lailat-ul Qadr
9.5 Does the date keeps changing or remains fixed?
9.6Wisdom behind the date being hidden
9.7 Deeds to do:
9.7.1 Qiyam
9.7.2 Dua
9.7.3 I`tikaaf in the masjid
9.7.4 Seeking knowledge, Jihad and other good deeds
9.8 Sign that your worship has been accepted

Is every form of alliance with the kuffar (disbelievers) kufr al akbar (major kufr)?

Excerpt taken from the above book available here [Excellent detailed research]:

Excerpts from Sharh Bulugh al-Maram taught by Shaikh Wasiullah Abbas [Volume 2]

Table of contents 

The book of al-Buyoo' (Business Transactions):

92. Inter-dependency among the people:

93. Following trading etiquette and providing good customer services is the key to a successful business:

94. The best type of earning:

95. Alcohol business is illegal and prohibited:

96. Prohibition of pig meat:

97. Prohibition of fat of dead meat:

98. Transactions of only halal products is permissible:

99. The seller's right to determine price or setting terms and conditions:

100. Prohibition of selling dogs:

101. Permissibility of usage of tanned skin of all animals, wild and non-wild, dead and sacrificed:

102. Prostitution business is illegal and prohibited:

103. How horoscopists and palm-readers fool the people:

104. Types of terms and conditions, permissible and impermissible ones:

105. Change of mind after agreement:

106. Selling broken products/ damaged items:

107. The Mufti must quote the proof (Aayah or Hadith)

108. Agreement to false conditions does not necessitates following it:

109. The right of the ruler to constitute rules, except "permitting the prohibited" or "prohibiting the obligatory":

110. Prohibition of transactions which involve uncertainty:

111. Ruling on credit transactions:

112. Prohibited conditions and transactions:

113. Security deposit/ Earnest money is permissible:

114. Prohibition of selling a product in the place where it was bought from:

115. The current exchange rate on the day of agreement should be used to make the payment, even if later:

116. Business is done for profits, but one should not forget brotherhood:

117. Brokers and agents should not deceive the sellers:
118. Sin and oppression of evil men who take marriage as a joke, and divorce whenever they want:

119. Do not forget humanity for the sake of some wealth and profit:

120. The government should not control the price unless necessary for the protection of rights of the people:

121. Hoarding is illegal if it creates artificial scarcity of essential foodstuff:

122. Return of goods after use:

123. Misleading Advertising & Deceptive Marketing Practices:

124. Working in hotels where pork and alcohol is served:

125. Smart businessmen make use of opportunities:

126. Virtue of allowing sales returns and exchange:

127. Conditions for right to annul the agreement/ Right of breach of contract:

128. Reformation of the business affairs is need of the hour:

129. When bribery becomes riba (usury/interest):

130. Taking others money to play and squander:

131. The one who takes on rent is responsible for what he rented:

132. How to deal with the one who delays in payment of loan?

133. Permissibility of charging penalty money on delay in payment:
134. How judges may reconcile money quarrels?136. Sacredness of wealth, even of a stick:

135. The beauty of Reconciliation:

137. Transfer of Debt:

138. Benefits of Partnership:

139. Changing or translating Islamic terms:

140. What is Waqf?

141. Explanation of Hadith: “When the son of Adam dies no further reward is recorded…”

Excerpts from Sharh Bulugh al-Maram taught by Shaikh Wasiullah Abbas [Volume 1]

Table of contents 

The book of tahaarah (purification):

1. Defecating (or urinating) on pathways or places which people make use of:

2. Relationship between the spouses:

The book of Salah (prayers):

3. Flexibility in the timing of Salat ad Dhuhr:

4: Exceptions to performing Salah at prohibited times:

5. The obligation of controlling the hands and eye in the Salah:

6. Addressing the inferiority complex issue among few Muslims: 

7. Permissibility of reciting Islamic poetry in the Masjid and using it to defend Islam and ridicule the disbelievers:

8. Clarification of a doubt concerning "radd al basr" (lowering the gaze):

9. Prohibition of over -beautification of the Masajid:-

10. Seek refuge in Allah from five things:

11. Supplication between the two prostrations and permissibility to change the order (arrangement of the words) :

12. Obligation of separation of lines between men and women in congregational prayers:

13. Elongating the congregational Salah in accordance to the Sunnah and situation of the people:

14. Qunoot Naazilah in Fajr Salah:

15. Not kneeling like a camel while going for Sajdah:

16: Hadith contradiction not possible:

17. Eclipse, a sign of Allah:

18. Seeking the right time to advise:

19. The mercy of the Shariah and the uniqueness of the companions:

20. Performing Janazah (funeral) Salah on the one who committed suicide:

21. No specified time limit for offering Salat-ul Janazah:

22. Performing Salat-ul Janazah for someone in another land, or in the absence of the body:

23. Not offering Salat-ul Janazah (funeral) for the one who abandons Salah:

24. Wisdom of the prophet: Not publicizing or announcing the plans:

25. Supplicating sincerely for the deceased Muslim, be a relative or a stranger:

26. Motivating each other for offering the Janazah (funeral procession):

27. Why do we greet Salaam while entering the graveyard, though the dead do not hear?

28. Raising the hands, and making dua in a congregation at the graveyard:

The book of Zakat (obligatory charity):

29. Obligation of zakat, and a proof of the prophet's honesty and prophet-hood:

30. Fulfilling the obligations as soon as possible:

31. Trading using the property of an orphan

32. Bribery in difficulty and hardship:

33. Zakat-ul Fitr: How much is a Sa`a?

34. Zakat-ul Fitr in Cash:

35. Under the shade of Allah:

36. Spending moderately:

37. Most Rewardable charity

38. Spending complete wealth in charity:

39. The woman who spends for Allah's sake:

40. Five situations when a wealthy individual may accept zakat money:

41. Proper behavior towards the beggars:

42. Three situations when begging becomes permissible:

43. Accepting or rejecting money from the rulers:

The book of Siyaam (fasting):

44. Prohibition of fasting a day or two prior to Ramadan:

45. Prohibition of fasting on the day of doubt:

46. Why don't you sight the moon?

47. Number of witnesses required may differ for different cases:

48. Global moon sighting or local sighting:

49. Intention (niyyah) for fasting:

50. No kaffârah (atonement) for breaking voluntary fasts:

51. Benefits and blessings of Sahoor:

52. Breaking the fast with dates has health benefits:

53. The prophet's love for worship of Allah:

54. Allah is not in need of our fasts:

55. Old man should fast if he has the strength:

56. It is better not to fast while traveling:

57. Kaffârah (atonement) for breaking the obligatory fast:

58. The time for fasting begins at fajr, not before it:

59. Fasting of 'Arafah (and other good deeds) may expiate major sins as well:

60. Issues related to fasts of Shawwâl:

61. Fast a day for the sake of Allah:

62. Voluntary acts are performed according to one's ability:

63. The woman who loves to fast:

64. Celebrating the days of Eid, and prohibition of fasting:

65. Disturbing the society with loudspeakers is not correct:

66. I'tikaaf (seclusion for worship) in Islam and other religions:

67. Performing qiyam at-least in Ramadan, if not in other days:

68. Waking up the family for qiyam in the nights of Ramadan:

69. When he (ﷺ) began his I'tikaaf

70. Minimum length of time for I’tikaaf

71. What if a man becomes ill, and now he wants to leave the i'tikaaf?

72. I'tikaaf (seclusion) is not acceptable but in a masjid, but leaving it for necessities is permissible

73. Conditions of i'tikaaf, and things that are forbidden on the mu'takif

74. Status of I'tikaaf in other than the three sacred Masâjid

75. Lailat ul Qadr (Night of decree) and its date

76. The sahâba would search for Lailat ul Qadr through the signs

77. Explanation of dua on Lailat ul Qadr

78. Numbers of rak’ahs (units) in Taraaweeh prayer

The book of al-Hajj:

79. Is my Hajj accepted (mabroor)?

80. Hajj is the Jihad of women:

81. A prostitute's mind - Is the the face veil (niqab) obligatory?

82. The Meeqat are fixed:

83. The prophet's guidance on Traffic rules and over-speed:

84. Is sleeping in Muzdalifah better, or voluntary prayers?

85. A tremendous lesson from Tawaf:

86. Drinking Zamzam after tawaf is a proof that customary acts of the prophet are as well from his sunnah:

87. Walking in Hajj better or riding: 

88. Ship of the dessert: Don't you look at how the Camels are created?

89. Multiple umrah from Tan'eem is not legislated and opposes the Sunnah:

90. Understanding Sunnah: Difference between what prophet chose to do and what he happened to do:

91. Is the reward for Salah multiplied all over Makkah and Madinah, or only in the sacred mosques?

Monday, 17 October 2016

Rise of Islam - Allah's promise with terms and conditions

1. Islam has not come to die!
2. Victory is Allah's promise and decree!
3. Islam is rising!
4. Allah will deal with them! 
5. Only two steps to gain power and strength!
6. Gaining Power!