Read and download:
I. Introduction (page 4)
II. Biography of the Shaikh (page 5)
III. Books:
Book 1: Extract From Glorifying Knowledge (page 7)
Book 2: The Essentials Which Are Obligatory On The Slave To Know (page 42)
Book 3: Easy Explanation Of The Prominent Parts Of The Qur’an (page 53)
Book 4: Clear Crystals From The Concise Speech (page 74)
Book 5: The Key To Fiqh (According To The Madhab Of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal) (page 94)
Book 6: The Everlasting Legacy - Invocations After Salah (page 104)
Book 7: Extracted Invocations Of Morning And Evening (page 113)
Book 8: The Ten Etiquettes (page 122)
I. Introduction
All praise is to Allah who made knowledge the beginning of all good and its destination, and privileged with it Adam `alayhis-salam and his progeny. And we testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allah in complete confession, and Muhammad is His slave and messenger, uncountable salutations and peace be on him.
To proceed:
So, this is compilation of “Mutoon” or short books for beginner students of knowledge. These books have wide acceptance among the students, so what could be better than making them accessible to the English world as well. For this reason, I compiled these which are eight in total, short in pages but comprehensive as ever, as they cover-up the following six sciences of the Sharee`ah:
1. Aqeedah
2. Tafseer
3. Hadeeth
4. Fiqh
5. Dhikr
6. Adab
I named this compilation “Al-Bidaayah fi `Uloom al-Gaayah” taking it from Shaikh Al-`Usaymee’s one of the programs which I participated in Al-Khobar. The translation of these books is well known to the Shaikh, and he expressed much happiness on it. I have added brief footnotes from the commentaries of the Shaikh himself, along with additions from myself wherever required.
I thank my siblings Rozina Ansari and Hamza Ansari for doing the revision along with my sister Sidra Ansari, who even helped me with the translation. Finally, I am glad that this work is ending the ten blessed days of Dhul Hijjah, so I hope Allah becomes pleased with this work of his slave, and forgives me and us all like He forgives the pilgrims in `Arafah.
Arshan Ibn `Umar Ibn Ibraheem Ansari
8th Dhul Hijjah, 1438 H (corresponding to 30th August, 2017)
Cyberjaya, Malaysia
II. Biography of Shaikh Saleh Al `Usaymee:
From the scholars who Allah gave me a chance to sit under and benefit from is the noble Shaikh al-`Usaymee, may Allah preserve him, bless him and add to his goodness.
He is Shaikh al-Muhaddith Dr. Saleh Ibn Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-`Usaymee Al-`Utaybee from Saudi Arabia. He was born in the year 1391 H (corresponding to 1971 or 1972), and stays in the capital city Riyadh, where he is an Imam in Jaimi` Mus`ab bin `Umayr, and a Khateeb in Jami` Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq of the Army Hospital.
He is a brilliant scholar who excels in multiple sciences of the religion from Tafseer to its Usool, and Hadeeth to its Usool, and Fiqh to its Usool and Qawaid, and Aqeedah, Tajweed and the fourteen Qira`aat, Adaab and Manhaj.
He is also a prolific writer, excellent speaker and an honest teacher. And he has such an amazing memory up to an extent that our Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Saleh al-Munajjid considers him to be one of the wonders of this world in memorization.
And Shaikh is known for being humble. He was given option to have body guards for personal security which he refused. And Shaikh calls me back if he finds my missed call on his phone in-spite of his busy schedule. This is part of Shaikh’s good qualities.
Education and Work:
He travelled to several lands like Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Sudan, Algeria, Tunis, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, India, etc., in search of knowledge with complete patience and got certified from the scholars. He knows the people there, their libraries, their universities and their scholars. He has no concern but knowledge.
He had a strong relation with Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, as known from his mention of him often in his lectures. Apart from that, he had a very long relation with other senior scholars like Abdullah bin Aqeel, and stayed with him until he passed away, may Allah have mercy upon him.
Shaikh graduated from Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University from the faculty of Usool Ad-Deen, and received his masters in Hadeeth sciences from Umm-ul Qura University. And he received his doctorate successfully in the year 1436 from the faculty of Judgments from Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University.
He was as well chosen as member of the council of the senior scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia earlier in this year (1438).
His travels did not end with seeking knowledge but he also travels to teach all around in the East and West of the localities in Saudi Arabia. He is also a teacher in the two sacred mosques of Makkah and Madeenah.
Books authored:
Shaikh has many compilations of books of many authors for the programs in the Masaajid where he explains them. These lectures are of several hours of explanation on more than a hundred books and selected chapters, and include classical and contemporary books. Sheikh also has authored books since he was only in his early twenties, and they exceed forty in number which include all major fields of the Sharee`ah. I have named some here:
· Ad-Da`ee ila Khairil Masaa`ee
· Al Gurar Min Mawqufil Athar
· Mukhtasar fi Usool at-Tafseer
· Al-Mu`jam al-Mukhtaar minal Ahadeeth An-Nabawiyyat-il Qisaar
· Ma`aanee al-Fatihati wa Qisaar al-Mufassal
· Na`at ad-Darajaat li Talaqqi al Qur`an wal Qira`aat
· Ad-Dar` an-Nadeed fi Takhreeji Kitab at-Tawheed
· Kashf an-Niqaab `an Da`af Hadeeth `Aishah fil Hijaab
· Fiqh Al Waqi` `Inda Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa`ah
· Bugiyyat-ul Musalli `ala Madhab Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal rahimahullah
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