For all book lovers!
Authentic books of Tafseer already available in English, and are recommended for everyone:

2. Tafseer Ahsan-ul Bayaan - Hafiz Salahuddin (five volumes)
3. Taiseer ur Rahman - Shaikh Muhammad Luqman (one volume)
4. Tafseer Ishraaq Al Ma`aani - Shaikh Muhammad Iqbal Zaheer (fourteen volumes)
5. Tafseer Ma`aani Al Qur'an Al Kareem - Shaikh Taqi-ud Din Al-Hilali (one volume)
6. Tafseer Jalaalayn - Muhalli and Suyuti (one volume)
7. Tafseer As-Sa`adi - Shaikh Ibn as-Sa`adi (complete translation)
8. Tafseer Al Qurtubi - Imam Al-Qurtubi (on going)
9. Adawaa` al Bayaan - Shaikh Ameen Ash-Shanqeeti (on going)
Those not so authentic originally or in translation should be avoided by lay-men, yet beneficial for students of knowledge:
1. Tafhim Al Qur`an - Moulana Abul A`la Mawdudi (nine volumes)
2. Abridged version of Tafhim Al Qur`an - Zafar Ishaq Ansari (one volume)
3. Fi Zilal al Qur'am - Syed Qutb (eighteen volumes)
4. Ma`aariful Qur`aan - Maulana Muhammad Shaf`ee (eight volumes)
4. Tafseer Ibn Abbas - Ibn Ya'qub al-Firuzabadi (one volume)
5. Asbab al-Nuzul - Abul hasan Al Waheedi (One volume)
6. Tafseer at-Tustari - Sahl At-Tustari (one volume)
7. Revised version of The Meaning of the Holy Qur`an - Abdullah Yusuf Ali (one volume)
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