Monday, 28 November 2016

WORLD OF WISDOM: Selections from Ibn Hazm's "In Pursuit of Virtue"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

We went through Imam Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi's this book and found it to be a great treasure. Indeed his biography and the introduction in this publish by Dr. Muhammad Abu Layla (TA-HA Publishers) was beneficial and informative. What follows is short, but we wished to share. We thank the brothers of Islamic society at Nottingham University (Malaysia) to let me make us of it. 


Selections from chapter I of In Pursuit of Virtue:
Reading all fields vs. specializing in one:
Speaking skills:

Selections from chapter II of In Pursuit of Virtue:
Lies and Liars:
Promoting the good and condemning the bad:

Selections from chapter III of In Pursuit of Virtue:
Disillusion-ary world :
Arabic metaphor's:

Selections from  Ibn Hazm's book:
Train Yourself:
Introvert vs. Extrovert:
Do not Postpone or belittle:Deceiver:


Practical Morality:
Self Help for the corrupt:
Reality of oppression:

Search for repute and popularity:

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Selected lessons for every Da'ee from Taiseer ur Rahman of Shaikh Muhammad Luqman

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

In our humble opinion, among all the tafaseer (explanations of the Qur'an) available today in book form in the English, the one on second rank is Taiseer ur Rahman of Shaikh Muhammad Luqman (hafidhahullah), only after Tafseer Ibn Kathir (9 vols.). It's focus ranges from explanation through Arabic grammar, fiqh, hadith, logic, etc.  This book is best for children, family, and university students. And certainly, it is handy for da'ees as it is all in one volume. This article has been arranged categorically according to the page numbers. 


Call and invite others to Islam:
2. Is the command of patience abrogated?
3. Never sell the deen out of fear or to please them:
4. They will black-mail you and try to punish:
5. Migrate when it goes beyond patience and control:
6. A Da'ee must respond good to the evil:
7. The prophet could not be a poet:
8. Proofs of life-after death: Reflect on human creation:
9. How singers and dancers troubled our beloved prophet:
10. Meaning of 'words of Allah would not be exhausted':
11. Proofs of life-after death: Creation of man is one of the proofs of powers of Allah:
12. Those who desired the luxuries of life, the wicked, the perverted and the transgressing leaders have always denied the Hereafter:
13. Materialistic inviter towards Allah has no effect in his speech:
14. Taking the proof of life after death from the growth of plants through rainfall:
15. Urge them to give the right to freedom of religion as fellow citizens:
16. Have patience like the patience of the noblest prophets:
17. Fiqh of Negotiation:
18. Praising the virtues of the noble companions:
19. Signs for those with an open mind:
20. Reason for repetition in Surat-ur Rahman
21. Everything has to perish but your Lord:
22. How long will you run from Allah?

23. Stages of human creation is a phenomena of the Absolute power of Allah:
24. Cultivation of plants is a proof of Allah’s ability to resurrect:
25. Meaning of the verse: “Had We sent this Qur’an upon a mountain..”:
26. Admonition to observe patience during the course of Islamic Da'wah (call):

27. Fulfill your obligation with patience and don't commit the mistake what Yunus (alayhis-salam) did:
28. Seeking help from Jinn is forbidden, even from good Muslims among them:
29. Creation not co-incidence:
30. Call to belief before actions:
31. Record of deeds of the evil are in Sijjin:
32. Record of deeds of the good are in Illiyeen:
33. You don't live only once:
34. Don't worry Allah has a better plan:
35. Don't they see?
36. Invite, and not push or force:

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Essentials of Da'wah [Usool ad-Da'wah أصول الدعوة ]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Last year there were no less than thirty movies made to spread hatred of Islam and Muslims. If a man watched one of these two hour movies, there are high chances that the seed of hatred must be laid in this average ordinary man. This is why it is difficult to take rest, it has become difficult to give long intervals to myself.

I hope that people have enough comprehension that they realize the importance of learning and teaching Islam to others by whatever means possible, directly by speech or indirectly by actions. Remember that those who do not call to Islam are prone to destroy like those who do not believe in Islam! [Surat-ul Asr]

Below are taken and adapted from the classes of our Shaykh Shams uz Zaman of the book "Usool ad - Da'wah" by Mahmood Ahmad Diyaa'.

Definition of Da'wah
Obligation of Da'wah
Virtues of Da'wah
Objectives of Da'wah
Pillars of Da'wah
Principles of Da’wah

[Much more to come. Keep updated!]

Certainty for those confused about Qadr

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Qadr is one of the pillars of Islam. 
Qadar means that Allaah has decreed everything that happens in the universe according to His prior knowledge and the dictates of His wisdom. The stronger the belief in it, the stronger one's faith. Therefore, clarity on this matter is essential, and obligatory on every Muslim. No Muslim should have any doubt about it. What follows is a very brief, concise and comprehensive message about Qadr. This is only a part from the upcoming tafseer of surat-ul Qadr. May Allah assist me to complete it, and accept it making it a reason for peace in my grave. 

[13/02/1438 corresponding to 14/11/2016]